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Drarry, smut, medium
By: closet_bound

Harry leaned back into the pillow against his headboard and nervously nibbled on his bottom lip. After a quick glance up through his eyelashes at Draco, he returned his attention to the Potions book in his lap, managing to not comprehend the same paragraph he'd managed to not comprehend on the last ten tries.

Harry wondered if it was possible to actually become less literate over time.

He glanced up at Draco again before making a valiant effort with attempt number twelve.

"Ok. Out with it."

Harry blushed.

"Out with what?"

Draco closed his Potions book with a sigh and gave Harry a pointed look.

"Don't attempt nonchalance. It doesn't suit you. You haven't turned a page in half an hour, and you have been making the 'I want to ask you a question, but I am afraid you will mock me' face. It is distracting, and I wish to complete this assignment before graduation. So, ask. I will mock you. I will answer you. You will be embarrassed. And I can return to my work.

It struck Harry as slightly surreal that Draco knew his faces well enough to have named them. But then, Draco doing his homework in Harry's dorm would have seemed surreal a year ago. Harry pulled his lip between his teeth as his curiosity battled against inevitable embarrassment. Curiosity's victory was never really in question.

"Well, you're gay, right?"

Draco managed to raise an eyebrow, roll his eyes, and glare without looking utterly ridiculous.

"Congratulations. You were apparently neither blind nor deaf this past year. Did you simply feel the need to be mocked, or does that question actually require an answer?"

Harry bit his lip and looked down at his hands, which couldn't seem to stay still in his lap.

"Well, no. I mean, that wasn't my question. It's just--well--you're gay. You're the only guy I know who is, well the only one I know well enough to ask. So--yeah--you're the only one I can ask."

Harry glanced up quickly before returning his eyes to his apparently fascinating hands to await Draco's answer. After a moment, he glanced up again to find Draco smirking.

"Harry, I am afraid mind reading is not one of my many talents."

Harry sighed and looked back down to his hands. He wished mind reading was an option. Maybe he could find a spell in the library. He considered suggesting it, but after a quick glance up at Draco, he decided that the other boy's patience probably wouldn't hold through a wild goose chase.

"I wanted to ask someone who had actually had--well--it."


"Yeah," Harry mumbled, blushing. "And after last year and the whole--well--you know--"

"Yes. Blaise, myself, Creevy, his camera, and the illustrious Daily Prophet. You can trust that I have not forgotten. Do attempt to get to the point, Harry."

Harry felt the blush that had been threatening begin to creep onto his face and stared fixedly at his hands. He seriously considered dropping the whole thing, but knowing Draco's inability to let a subject drop once his interest was caught, that would probably result in more embarrassment, and possibly more public embarrassment, at that.

"You see, I was just wondering--I'm not sure how to put it. How does it work, with two guys, I mean."

Harry glanced up to catch Draco's smirk before returning to the perusal of his hands. Why had he thought this was a good idea, again? He wondered if he could convince Draco that his scar was hurting, and he needed to find Dumbledore--now.

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