Blush (Preparation pt.2)

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Drarry, smut, medium
By: closet_bound

Harry sat with his legs tucked underneath him on his common room’s overstuffed sofa and stared into the fire. It feels like that moment right before you know nothing would stop you from coming, only it lasts and lasts for as long as I want to hold you down and fuck you with my tongue.Harry shivered, and a smile played across his lips. Would it really feel like that? I want to feel you writhing underneath me when I push past and into your tight little hole, fucking you with my tongue, slow and lazy and sloppy while you're begging for anything, fast and hard, short thrusts with you moaning and screaming, loving the feel of you pushing up, trying to get more. He hadn’t spent more than five minutes thinking of anything else in the past couple of weeks.

Harry glanced down at the Potions book in his lap. He considered making another attempt to study, but it would be useless. Every attempt led his mind down that path of two weeks ago, his book being taken and put aside, words making him so hard it hurt, Draco’s body pressing him into the mattress. He’d spent every Potions class since hiding an erection beneath his desk while he attempted to care which ingredient wouldn’t cause his cauldron to explode. 

“What are you thinking about?”

Harry blushed and glanced over at Hermione. 

“Never mind. I think I know,” she said, grinning at him cheekily. “I don’t remember you thinking about sex this much in the past or blushing this much, for that matter.”

“Trust me. The two are related,” he answered with a smile and, embarrassingly enough, a darker blush. “The things he said--you can’t imagine--”

“Oh, trust me. I’ve imagined.”


Harry attempted to fight down the heat flooding his face as she grinned at him.

“Can you blame me? Your eyes have been glazed for two weeks, and I think you’ve developed a permanent blush. Anything that could affect you like that is worth a fantasy or two. You know, you could help quite a bit if you would give me a bit more detailed explanation--”

“Hermione, stop there. I’m begging. You are my innocent best friend who never even thinks about sex.” Harry held up his hand as she started to interrupt him. “Please, don’t destroy my fantasy world. I’m happy there with my white picked fence and dreams of puppies.”

“Ok,” she laughed. “I’ll pretend to be virginal--and apparently a dog lover--while you sit over there imagining all of the illicit things you wish he was doing to you.”

You'll be begging me for more, for anything. I'll push another finger in, past my tongue and into you. You'll be pleading with me, spreading your legs further, telling me you're ready. Harry blushed.

“I could see you blushing from the portrait hole. What on earth are you two talking about?”

Harry’s blush darkened as Draco dropped gracefully onto the arm of the sofa and ran his hand along the back of Harry’s neck. Draco ducked his head and hot breath ghosted over Harry’s ear.

“Should I be jealous,” he asked softly, his fingers tickling that spot. “or was I the main topic of this intriguing discussion?”

Harry’s blush deepened further as he pulled Draco’s hand away from his neck. There was probably a potion to discourage blushing. He really should look into it. Of course, doing that would require a potion to get rid of an uncontrollable erection, and knowing his luck, if it existed, it would accomplish its purpose with a wet spot on the front of his trousers.

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