Taken Away

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{Encre's P.O.V.}

   I couldn't see very well, but all I knew was that there was a someone holding be up against a tree. I could feel their hot breath against my face.
   "C-could you get away from me? I'm just trying to get back home," I tried to reason with whoever this was, struggling in their grasp.
"Stop struggling," the voice hissed, their grip on me tightening greatly. I yelped and whimpered, nodding. Immediately I obeyed them and stopped struggling.
It was silent for awhile, neither of us speaking while the empty branches covered in snow swayed in the wind, making some of the snow fall off. Finally, he spoke.
"You're so obedient," he said softly, and I shivered at their words.
  "I-I..um.." I stuttered, unsure of what to say. He chuckled.
  "Ha..I can smell..how nice your blood scent is," he said, and I froze.
  "M-My..blood?" I managed out. "Y-you don't mean.."
   "Yes, I mean as in I am a vampire," he responded. "The king of vampires, I must add, and I must say, your blood smells so sweet."
I was paralyzed. This vampire- of all vampires, it had to be the king- had me pinned to a tree, and he was talking about my blood. I tried to think properly. 'What to say? What to do?' In the midst of the silence, the vampire laughed.
"Your expression is enjoyable," he purred. "I always love seeing these kinds of things before a meal~"
Before I could respond, he had his mouth against my neck. I could feel his fangs already pressing on it. My eyes widened, and I tried to push him away.
"G-get off of me! Please!" I pleaded, and I began begging for my life.
'I don't want to die! I don't want to die!'
My pleading and begging came to a stop as I gasped loudly, feeling him push his fangs deep into my neck. I could feel the blood being drained from my body, and my struggling came to a stop once more. I was a rag doll- the only thing keeping me from falling to the ground being the beast feeding from me. Soon he finished, pulling away from my neck.
  "Now, that wasn't so bad, was it?" He asked with a purr. I almost toppled over, though he caught me before I hit the ground.
  "I really did a number on you, sorry about that," he..apologized? That caught my attention, but I didn't have enough energy to speak. He carried me bridal style, and I lightly gripped at his shirt.
  "I couldn't help myself, your blood was so sweet."
  I sighed. I felt too drained to do anything other than tighten my grip a little on his shirt.
  "Oh! How rude of me, I haven't even told you my name," he explained. "My name is Fallacy. I reckon you're too tired to tell me yours, so you will tell me later."
   I closed my eyes, soon passing out afterwards. I can't take anymore of this mess.

~Time Skip~

  I woke up sometime later, my vision blurry. It cleared up after a bit, and I looked around, sitting up. I was in a dimly lit room- the only source of light being from the covered window- and it was a bit small. I looked down at my body, and I noticed that I was wearing a different set of clothing. Of course, I thought it was strange until I realized-
Someone had to change me, someone saw me without my clothes on.
  My face heated up at the thought. "P-pervs.." I mumbled, looking up at the bedroom door. I heard and saw the doorknob turn, the door slowly opening and a new light being introduced.
A figure stood in the doorway, a female with long, rabbit-like ears. Once my eyes adjusted to the new light, I noticed she was smiling at me.
"Hello," she greeted. "I was sent here by Lord Fallacy to check up on you and see how you're doing." She walked over to the edge of the bed, still watching me.
"How does your neck feel?" She asked me. Once she was closer to me I noticed she was wearing a maid outfit- a black and white one.
"O-Oh! My..neck.." I murmured. Until she had said something about it, I had completely forgotten about my neck. I had just woken up, after all, and I was still regaining my thoughts. "I-It..hurts, a little. A bit sore."
   The maid nodded. "That happens. Now, come, Lord Fallacy wishes to see you," she explained, walking away from me and towards the door. She waited patiently outside of the bedroom for me to follow.
I took ahold of the covers that held me down to the bed and pushed them aside, standing up off of the bed. I stretched a bit before following the maid out of the bedroom.
  She led me down the hallway, and down the staircase. I looked around in awe and amazement.
'This place is so big! It's so pretty, too...'
There were different pictures hung up on the wall, mostly picturing things such as the village, a castle, and Fallacy.
Soon the maid led me to a room that seemed to be a Dining Hall. It contained a long table in the center, Fallacy standing by it. There was a big chandelier that hung above the table, lighting the grand room. On the left side was a doorway that probably led to the kitchen, though it was hard to see from where I was standing.
  Fallacy spotted me and the maid, his expression blank. I followed the maid towards him. Once I got closer, I noticed more of his features.
'Woah..he looks so strange...it's nice. The blue around his eyes really compliment his black bones. Those eyes are so unique...And that skull! How does that even work? I wouldn't mind drawing him one day...'
I was too busy thinking about Fallacy's appearance to be scared. Though, I really should be. After all, he was the vampire king, and he had me stuck in this place, whatever this place was. I was snapped back into reality when Fallacy stepped towards me, speaking.
"How are you feeling?" He asked. I blinked, fear immediately washing over me, and my fragile body began to tremble. I refused to speak, looking down.
I felt Fallacy's hand grip my chin, lifting my head up so I was forced to look at him.
"Answer me."
His voice sent shivers down my spine- it was so demanding and harsh.
"I-I'm feeling fine," I answered. "J-just a bit sore...and drained." Sleep doesn't help that, Fallacy had taken quite a bit of blood from me. He nodded at my response.
"I couldn't help myself, you smelled way too sweet~" Fallacy purred. "Although, now that you're awake and feeling better, I should show you around. You need to get used to this place."
"Wh-why?" I asked.
"Because you're going to be staying here, with me, until you fall down and dust," Fallacy answered. My eyes widened.
"What!? I-I can't stay here!" I exclaimed. "I-I have things I need to get back to!"
"Like what?"
"My business!"
"You can just ditch that. There's no use for it, you'll work for me from now on," he said calmly, his tone the opposite of mine.
"B-but...I don't want to work for you!" I argued. Fallacy narrowed his eyes, growling quietly.
"You will and there's nothing you can do about it!" He hissed, now raising his voice.
I looked down, nodding and admitting defeat. I wasn't going to go face-to-face with him, he would hurt or even kill me. Nothing would stop him, I mean nothing to Fallacy.

Somehow I felt alright with this..

Taken {Fallacy x Encre Fanfiction}   [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now