Unfinished Last Chapter

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"Where do you think he went?"
"I heard he went into the forest."
"But why would anyone go in there?"
"No one knows."
After Encre's disappearance, that's how most of the conversations in the village went. Everyone was curious as to where he was, and why he hadn't come back.
The village was small, so word got around that the artist was gone rather quickly. His absence was no secret. People talked amongst themselves about it, spreading rumors and gossip. That being said, there was a popular rumor going around that Encre was involved and or the cause of the other disappearances. But that couldn't possibly be true, could it? As readers, you all know it  couldn't be true, but as characters in the story, the townsfolk saw it as a possibility. A possibility that was most likely the truth. And that was all they needed; a twisted motivation to rally together and stand their ground that didn't need to be protected.
  "Shouldn't someone talk to the King about this?"
Two young women walked down the street, talking to one another about the disappearance of Encre. That wasn't anything special.
"I heard that he's received so many complaints about it. Someone said that he stated that if he got another one, he'd throw them into jail."
The other woman laughed, "What? He's too nice to do something like that!"
   "I'm telling you, it's got to be true," the first woman stayed with a laugh as well, and off they went, scurrying off to their home to prepare a dish for their husbands. But they were together.


"This matter shouldn't be taken lightly, sir," Eterna stated. "This isn't the only disappearance that's happened; this artist and his village's concern regarding his lack of presence is only one of many among the kingdom."
   "I know, but what are we supposed to do about it?" The King bellowed. "If I send you or any of my knights to find the source of the problem, it's likely you wouldn't come back."
   "Pardon me, but you underestimate me, sir," Eterna cut in, taking another step forward her ruler's throne. "I am not afraid of whatever has been snatching our citizens. I've been training for months, and I truly believe that if you send a few knights with me in search of the source, we will be able to find the missing villagers and solve the problem. Don't you believe in me?"
   "It's not that I don't believe in you, Eterna, because I truly do," he responded, his deep voice echoing throughout the throne room. Then, his voice became more quiet, as his expression became soft. "It's because.. I see you  more as the daughter I never had than another one of my knights. You are so, so important to me, Eterna," the King explained. "I don't want to ever see you hurt, or lost, or...worse." He sighed, a deep sorrow in his eyes as he watched Eterna closely.
   "I understand, sir," Eterna murmured regretfully.


And that's it. That's what I had written. A few hundred words. There's where it leaves off. Thank you all so much. I appreciate every single one of you who had commented, favorited, and viewed my story. Thank you.

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