Practice ride Dade city

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The picture that is there belongs to me. I took that at a private track. Please do not take it and claim it because im sure you don't know my friend whos in the picture.

!Arriving at Dade city i pay the gate admission lady and drive in. I pull up to a spot and unload the toy haler. Going to the back of the camper i get my gear.
    Getting undressed i grab my knee protectors, putting them on. I put an under armor shirt on and then my chest protector sliding it into place i fast it. I pull my jersey with my number 4 on it over my head. Grabbing my pants i pull them up and make sure on the but it says kiss this. Grabbing my helmet, boots and googles i was out.
     I put my boots on and hang the goggles around my neck. Putting the helmet on the handle bar. I turn around to go get gas and see more people pulling up. This should be a good race day. After getting the gas i fill up my bike and put it back.
     Your probably wondering why im not talking to anyone. Well the only person that comes to my races is my uncle but he cant make it today. He broke him collar bone a few weeks ago for the second time 4 years later the same day. He might make it to the mail to watch but other then that he wont be here.
    I feel my phone buz and look at it.
Rocker mark- good luck out there Ashley. You will do great. Just remember to focus and be safe. I will try and make it out there.
Me- thank you uncle. I will be ok i promise.
    Putting my phone in the camper i get my bike off the stand and start it up. Putting my helmet on and goggles on after i ride to the gate.
    I get the kid that works the game to drop it for me even though im the only one out here. After it drops i take off. Twisting the throttle i go down the mini straight. Turning left i let off and go on the inside, laying on the throttle again. I turn left over a single landing it perfect. I lay on the gas as i go to him the big back table top. Doing a whip i come back down and land it better then i thought i would. Next is the mountain. A hill thats made of bumps big bumps. After going up it with ease i take a right and go on the the whips. My favorite part of the track. I go over everyone like its nothing and go left. Here comes the hardest turn on this track. I stick my foot down and rail that bitch. I hit the double then the triple. Once i get to the little table top i know its the end of the track. I ride over to the kid and get my stop watch. 29 seconds. Awesome.
   "Thanks kid" we fist bump and i start riding back to my camper. Once there i get off my bike and put it back on the stand. I hang my helmet and googles on it and sit down.

So this is my new story. Its about something i love to do so i think i will continue to update this one.  546 words

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