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I drove to the hospital as fast as possible. Running in a go to the desk.
"Justin Blake" i ask the lady.
"Room 246" i go to the elevator and push floor two. Hurrying to his room i open the door hurrying in.
"Oh my god you ok" i breathe out.
"Duh ashley im not that weak" he laughs at me.
"What did the doctor say? When can you get back on the bike?"
"I broke my leg and have surgery in about an hour and they said i most likely wont be riding anymore this season.
"But what about the standings and we were supposed to try and get signed this season. I dont want to do anything without you justin. You deserve it to" i feel a tear slip down my cheek.
"Hey hey it will be ok. It could have been worse. Its what they think but i dont think it will take that long for me to heal. Just relax and try to get signed. Ride the big race smoothly. Its ok to do it i have a chance next season" after he said that he leans up and gives me a hug. The doctor comes in ready to take him. He gives my his phone and waves off.
I look at his lock screen and its of me and him when we were little standing next to each other on the podium. 1st and second then a picture of us now. On the podium except this time i got first. I smile at it realizing all the good times we have had racing.
I wait in his room for a good 2 hours before a doctor comes in and tells me he will be in soon. I thank her and she walks out.
A half hour later they wheel his bed in. He looks to be sleeping. I step out so the doctor can talk to me.
"He will be in pain for a few days maybe weeks. Where he broke was a very uncommon place. He was in here before and soon after that brake he was racing again so i know it wont take him long. And soon he will be back out there" i nod to her.
"So hes going to be able to ride again?"
"Yes but not for a good month or 2 maybe even more"
"That is good with me as long as he can still ride. Me and him are trying to get signed."
"That's awesome. I wish you guys the best, you better come back and tell me if you do!"
"Haha yes ma'am" i laugh walking back into the room. I sit down and look at him.
"Why are you staring at me" he opens one eye and laughs.
"I am not staring im simply looking" i laugh.
We talk for a while until i go get us food. I get food and end up spending the night there. The next morning he was able to leave. They gave him crutches and told him to keep off of it. We walk out to my truck and get in.
"You do realize that as soon as i get this brace off im getting back on my bike right Ashley?" He looks at me with a sparkle in his eyes.
"Uh no sir you are not. You can come back slowly. Yes i want you to race with me but i don't want you injured again" i drive to the track and once i pull up i realize most of the riders are still here. Hmm wonder why. I pull up to the announcement building and let him out. I drive back to my trailer and get out of the truck.
I need to go for a ride. I grab my helmet and goggles and get my bike off the stand. I put my helmet and googles on and take off to the track.
I go around a few laps before i realize that there is another person out there with me. I think its the new kid. I continue to ride and soon me and him are almost like racing. But only between us two. I find myself going over the table top with him right behind. I pull off the track and he follows. Riding back to my trailer i take my helmet off and put my bike on its stand. The kid gets off his bike and takes off his helmet. It hits me.

750 words.
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