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Today Austin, Justin an I are going to go to a Austins friends house. I think his name is Adam. He sounds pretty cool oh and I almost forgot he races too!
"Ashley load your bike up and hurry your ass up we are going to be late!" I hear Austin scream from the door and i just laugh. I grab my racing gear and walk to my garage with all the bikes in it. I grab my helmet, goggles and push the bike up to the trailer. I get in Austins truck and i sit in the front because Justin is in the back.
"How long is the ride?"
"Its about 2 hours ashley"
"Ugggh it better be worth it Forkner!" I look at him and groan.
"It will i promise Ash, you will love it" he speeds down the road and we are on the road.
Once we get there we play a few games of pool with Adam then unload our bikes.
"Ashley you can use the house to change if you would like" Adam says coming up from behind me.
"No thats ok. I get dressed around all the guys at the races anyway, this is no different" i take my shirt off and underneath is just my bright green sports bra. I throw on my jersey top then pull down my pants. I usually have shorts underneath but not this time. I see Adam staring and just laugh.
"Eyes to yourself Adam" i hive him a pointed look and he turns a bright hue of red. I pull on my jersey pants and but on my boots.
"Yall ready or am i going to have to wait for an hour"
"We are ready hope on your bike" Adam says. Justin, Adam and i hop on our bikes and kick start them.
"Justin take it easy" i yell over the sound of my 2-stroke. He nods his head and we take off to Adams track. We get there and Adam takes off. I signal to Justin to not jump until he feels comfortable and he nods. I twist the throttle and take off. Justin not far behind. I don't expect him to listen and take it easy but he might. I jump the double and catch up to Adam. I raise my hand and put a four up then down then up again saying 44. He laughs and shakes his head. Thats all i see before i leave him in the dust.
"Well did you have fun or does my track suck?" Adam looks at both me and Justin.
"It was good, definitely a lot of fun" we load our bikes back up and tell Adam bye. We were riding for a good 2 1/2 hours. That doesn't count playing pool. We get in the  truck and drive off.
Austins pov
She is beautiful. Her short brown hair looks amazing. The first day i raced at Dade City and seen her ride not even knowing it was her i was amazed. Ive never seen someone else my age ride so good. When she took off her helmet that day i was astounded. I had to get her sponsored. After Justing fell and had his accident i knew she wouldn't get sponsored without him. I called up my team and asked them to come down and watch her. I explained Justin's situation and told them that she wouldn't except the offer without him.

Tomorrow i have a race of my own. I race a series race. As im sitting in Roczens house i debate on texting Ashley and Justin to see if they want to go.
"Kenny where you at?" I yell throughout the house.
"In the kitchen Fork" ugh not that nickname again. I want into the kitchen and give him the evil eye.
"Can you not call me fork Roczen" i smile at him even though he called me that.
"Should i invite Ashley and Justin to the race tomorrow" i wait not so patiently for his answer.
"I mean i would but its up to you, is Justin able to walk now? Dirt is a pain in the ass to walk on crutches"
"Yes he can walk now, im going to text them and ask. Ill pay for their mplane tickets also" i get my phone out and text them in a group chat.

Forkner: hey would you guys like to come watch my race tomorrow? I have your plane tickets and everything.

I wait for a response. Not even a minute later i get a response.

Ashley: sure just let me know what time the flight is.

I get a response from Justin saying he will go also. I send the airport their tickets and text them the time.

"Alright everything is set up" i walk over to Ken and poke him. He turns around then goes back to what he was doing and i poke him again.

"What do you want Fork" i burst out laughing at him.
"Nothing i just wanted to see how long it took before you went crazy" i laughed at him as he scowled at me.

Ashley's POV

After me and Justin got the text we both started packing. I put all my things in the back seat of my truck and went to pick up Justin.

"You ready or am i leaving you behind?" He hurried down the steps and put his stuff in the back jumping in.
"Ok lets go Ashley" i back out of his driveway and drive to the airport. Thankfully its only about 20 minutes away if traffic is good. I park in the overnight parking where i wont get towed away or a ticket. Hopping out we grab our bags.
"You ready for a fun weekend Justin cause i am." I look over and smile at him as we walk in. As soon as we get in the door a guy walks up to us.
"Are you Ashley and Justin?" He looks down at the paper in his hands.
"Yes sir" i nod to him as Justing talks to him. He waves for us to follow and he takes us through security and bag check. He then takes us to where our plane will be.
"You guys have about 30 minutes before the plane starts boarding. Oh and i almost forgot" he takes and envelope out from behind his paper. He hands it to me and waves goodbye. I open to see that its our tickets and a racing sticker that says "get balls" i laugh and show Justin knowing its from Austin. We sit and wait for the plane not wanting to get up and miss it.

"Did you get gum Justin?" God i hope so. 
"Oh shit no. Uh is there a little shop in here?" He looks around then sighs in relief as he sees one.
"Ill be right back what kind you want Justin?" He tells he his kind and i go get us gum. Running back to him as i hear that our plane is boarding. As i get back i grab my bag and we hand the lady our tickets and get on the plane.
   The plane ride is supposed to be about 5 hours. But with turbulence it might take longer. I cant wait to get there. I get to see Austin race, and a few other people i know. This will by far be the best weekend ever. We get situated and wait for the plane to take off. Me and Justin didn't sleep well last night so we both laid back and drifted to sleep to the sound of the plane.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2017 ⏰

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