Chapter 1

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Your POV     

"Y/n, I'm not going to call you again!Get up, you're going to be late."I awoke to the voice of my clearly agitated mother.Great, now she was pissed at me.

Summer break was over, today was the first day back at school and I was beginning to dread it more and more by the second.I was going into 12th grade which meant that I would have to try and behave and keep my grade ups even though they don't fall below anything lower than an A-.That alone made me want to stay in bed.

"I'm up, stop yelling Jesus!" I hissed back, while I groaned while sliding out of bed.

It was already 7:55 am and school started at 8:30, I really didn't want to be late for my first day.I rummaged through the pile of clothes on the floor in the hope I could find something decent and clean.

I managed to find my green overcoat with a playing faded blue jeans and a gray t-shirt with black huaraches.

Which I thought would be suitable, I didn't have to much time to disagree.I quickly brushed my hair and applied some polo cologne.I also wore my newest SnapBack that I had recently bought.

It was already 8:10 by the time I finished.I grabbed some chocolate milk on the way out.I kissed my moms cheek and went to my car roger.I started my car sped quickly in the direction of my high school Santa Ana High School.

Since I live like a good 20 minutes away 🙃 I made it just 5 minutes before the first bell rung.I went to my locker and grabbed all my books and ran to the homeroom.

"Hey Y/n hold the door!" I heard Lauren yell from her locker, she was applying eyeliner which she didn't need because she is beautiful.

She finally finished and we sat in our seat just in time before the teacher started to begin.

During the class, Lauren was talking about how her girlfriends best friend couldn't stop blasting my mom's new album for the best week.

By the way, Beyoncé is my mom, I felt 30 eyes staring at me which caused me to groan immediately.

I might be known as Beyoncé son but also one of the best high school basketball player who is at a pro basketball player level.

"Ah Mr.Knowles ", said Ms.Swift who clearly hates me because she ain't shit but not my fault her career flopped after Kim and Kayne and Selena exposed her to the real person she is.

I raised my head and she saw me and took everybody else's attendant I notice I was seating next to Santana who was a Latina bitch but is a smoking hot.

I won't lie I hit that, I mean who wouldn't.

On the other side was Dinah.Who was an even bigger cheerleader bitch but she had blond-ish brown-ish colored hair with light brown eyes, she was very hard to get, in fact, I don't think anyone was successful with sleeping with her expect me.

She had boyfriends but wasn't the type to sleep around with.

Dinah is a mean bitch even more than Santana and that says a lot being that Santana is actually called Satan all around school.

I sighed and I guess Ms. Swift heard so she turned around and looked at me dead in the eye."Are you bored Mr.Knowles because I can assure you that detention won't be more fun than this".

I rolled my eyes and decided to say something back "Well I don't know Ms.Snake I wouldn't know would I and why are you giving me detention for because your career flopped and my mom is always gonna be bigger than you no matter how hard you try".

I smirked at her and the whole class was laughing and some kids mumbling things.

"You can get back to your class looking at me like your constipated isn't helping you teach kids you know".She turned around and started to teach the class I was doing my work when.

I saw Dinah bending over to get something on the floor so I whistled and winked at her when she looked at me.

She flipped me off while I chuckled and went back to my work, I knew she was dying to provoke me with her bitchy comments.

Eventually class ended and I made my way to my next class well lunch isn't a class.

Yo Y/nn, I heard that wrecked Ms.Snake today in class", I heard Justin yell from across the cafeteria.

Everybody started to laugh as they remembered me basically ending Ms.Snake in class.

"You know I worry about you, right?" Said Ariana who was chuckling at my actions.Our table mainly consisted of basketball, football, and baseball players and cheerleader, softball players and we weren't very accepting of outsiders we weren't bullies but didn't let anybody sit at our table that we didn't know.

"Yea, but ya won't be worrying when I play ball tomorrow.",I replied confidently, I honestly didn't know were all that confident came from.

I was known for being the star of the team but I wouldn't go bragging about it, well, most of the time.

"I can't wait for practice this year, it's been too long since we've all been together," added Liam excitedly, he had been in England all summer and hadn't seemed any of us or played ball.

We usually met at the park in groups to play games of basketball, or we met at my house.

It never mattered, we just needed a ball and a hoop.

"Oh, my god how do I look?" Lauren said suddenly with her eyes so wide that I thought they might have popped out.

"Fine...why does it..."I was about to ask when I looked up and seen Camila approaching our table.

Lauren and Camila had a "thing" over the summer and clearly, they both wanted to keep it going into the school year probably for the rest of their life.

"Hey," she said casually as she sat next to Lauren.

I looked up to Tyrone who tried to sit at my table I shook my head and he got up and left and went to sit with the potheads.

Tyrone is a 20-year-old senior who is nothing but a deadbeat dad who smokes weed 24/7.

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