Chapter 5

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Your POV

"Y/n wake your ass up now before I pour water on you and Dinah"

I jumped up and saw that Dinah was laying next to me.I started to panic internally I don't remember what happened last night.

Dinah started to wake up once she looked around she notice where she was and we locked eyes.I opened my mouth to say something but Dinah got out the bed and she was naked.

I bit my lip while looking at her and she slapped my arm and I wrapped arms around her waist.

Dinah left and asked Camila to pick her up.I arrived at school moments later,I met up with Lauren and we sat in our usual rooms alone and chatted about normal things.

I couldn't stop thinking about the thought that popped into my head about last night.Did me and Dinah have sex, why didn't my mother m beat my ass for having sex with a girl while she was in the house.

The sound of the second bell made us sigh,as we parted our ways from each other dramatically.Today was Wednesday which meant I had to buy clothes for this tournament and I have PE right now.

I smiled as I walked to PE hands down was my favorite class.Today was an outside class everybody huddled in a circle around the teacher awaited his plans for class today.Thats when I notice Dinah standing right next to me, I sighed heavily and we locked eyes for a couple seconds but I looked away.

"Okay, settle down," bean Mr. Curry."Today were doing football, so I want you all to start off by jogging lightly in this grid," he said pointing to the track beside the field.

Soon after running it got hot so I took my shirt off and threw it somewhere on the bleachers.We were put into teams for a game, 10 vs 10 since there 20 kids in the class.I organized my team while Nela no neck organized his team I hate him so much.He tried to poison me just so he could get ready star position on the football team but he wasn't good enough so I'm star player.

My team got the ball first so I'm quarterback I looked over to Justin who was open I threw the ball to him and touchdown.Man I can't wait till football season I'll probably play baseball too.

Just when I was about to run I felt a throbbing pain in my lower area.Nela threw the ball straight at my dick I fell to the ground in pain.

Coach and some kids came and huddled up around me.I was surprised when I saw Dinah standing there with a bag of peas.She placed it on my crotch and helped me toward the bleachers.

She sat down with me and we sat there in awkward silence."Did we have sex last night," I had to break the silence it was killing me."Yes but we don't have to talk about it if you don't want to and we used protection"I nodded and just sat there and thought about what were going to do about this."So what going to happen from here on",I replied to Dinah she looked at me and shrugged her shoulders.

"I don't know but the tournaments in one week so let see what happens see you later".With that Dinah hugged me and I grabbed her ass and she squealed and pushed me away."See you later baby mama," I tried to say with a straight face only to get pushed again.

Later that day I woke to the piercing sound of an alarm sound.I answered my phone and looked at the screen.I smiled when I looked at the name on the screen, I'm surprised I even kept that number or that she did.

"Hello,what happen Dinah" I said weary

"Come outside were going to the mall to buy clothes" she said overly excited.

"I'm tryna to sleep Dinah maybe later I" before I could finish Dinah ended the call I wondered why until my door flew open.

Dinah was there with her eyebrows raised and she smirked at me I tried to hide under the covers but it didn't work.

She crawled on top of me,took the covers off and reveled me only in my boxers.

" are.leaving." Dinah said between kisses.

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