Chapter 2

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Your POV

Today is the First game of senior year hopefully  we win, then it's home coming coming up soon.

Flashback to Freshmen Year

I had just changed into my gear in the locker room for my first game with Liam.I was about to head out the door when someone walked in.

We averted our eyes to the two figures that were now skipping confidently in our direction.

Since everyone else's was already warming up on the court it was just me and Liam.

"Yo you guys can't be in here," said Liam with an attitude wondering what would they possibly want from us.

"Says who? I don't see any teachers here," replied Santana cheekily.

"I'm pretty sure it's kinda illegal for a girl to be in the boy's locker room, and you girls wouldn't like if we just barged in your locker room to get out," I said as kindly as I could not trying to make enemies so early.

We were all freshmen and it was only our first game ever.

I decided to join basketball and football, baseball because I love sports and Liam also joined since we've been best friends our whole life.Liam was quite good at basketball and American football what he calls it since he is from London, so we had been really excited to win our first game today before Dinah and Santana came in that is.

"You think we're gonna listen to you Y/ln?" Dinah said with a smirk, making me roll my eyes.

"Well you should Dinah or you want to get suspended on the first week of school I suggest you leave," I put my shirt on and finished getting ready smirking as I seemed Dinah and Santana leave the room mad that they didn't get their way.

I glanced at Dinah before she left and how can she be such a shitty human with long wavy blonde hair and her thick thighs and her other beautiful features.Her cheerleading uniform only brought out her thick waist and her sexy thighs and beautiful hazel eyes.

I was unknowingly checking Dinah out and I only realized what I was doing when she turned her head back and locked eyes with me for a split second.I saw her smirk cockily, as she must have realized what I was doing.

She was extremely intimidating and I made a mental note to never talk to her again.And to this day I have never talked to her,the only way we talked was through bitchy comments we made on each other.

I bit my lip and watched her walked out the door, god I hate her.Especially her, I hated Santana too but something about Dinah made Me hate her the most.

Once we started warming up for the game all my confidence came through like adrenaline rush.

I was on fire I scored so many points,that it made everyone applaud me because I am the star player.The coach pulled me aside while everyone else took a minute water break.

"Knowles, how long have you played ball?" He asked,clearly impressed by my skills.

"Since I was two sir," I said truthfully, taking of my headband that prevent sweat from going into my eye.I was incredibly hot despite wearing my sleeveless jersey and my shorts.

"Keep up the good work," he said proudly , and went over to advise my other teammates on their work.

Flashback over

I then begin to take my shirt off as we won the game by 30 points.The audience began to chanted to the opposite team."You suck".I looked around the room and show that the couch called me over."This was an amazing game and I would like to say that Y/n King Knowles has officially had a 10,000 point career right now let congratulate him and show him some school spirts".I smiled and blushed at all the attention I was getting I was actually pretty impressed with my self considering it was just The beginning of senior year.

I looked all around the gym and met a pair of very familiar hazel eyes.I wondered why Dinah was staring at me,while biting her I made eye contact and wink at her while indicating if she wanted to have sex.

She rolled her eyes and looked away from me and mouthed never.

As much as I hated Dinah, she was a damn good cheerleader.Their celebrating dance involved her doing several jumps and flips, and I found myself in a trance looking at her.

"Y/n, your inner fuckboi is showing but can you cut it out we are celebrating here for you!" Liam whispered-laughed in my ear , teasing me for stating the cheerleading team leader.

In my Freashmen year after what happened with Dinah I began to sleep around with some girls in the school which eventually got around.I could really care less of what people thought but nobody really cared. Well, anyone apart of the cheerleading team cared for some reason.

I just kept ignoring them all, including Dinah.I holding my place as the most popular boy in the the school because people loved me I mean come on what's not to like.They boys loved me as a friend and the girls loved me if you know what I mean.I practically had the school wrapped around my finger even the teacher did anything I said, but unfortunately Dinah just had to bad mouth me to some people who cut off contact with me for that creature.

Dinah was the most popular girl in school, that was fairly obvious to everyone.But that didn't mean I was any less popular then her matter of fact I was more popular and powerful.

During lunch I went to go shoot my chocolate milk in the garbage but on the way it hit my teacher in the head and everybody just laughed.She gave me detention but I didn't care at all I just shoot my bottle in the garbage.

After school*

I remembered I had detention, I rolled my eyes in annoyance.I walked their begrudgingly in direction of the classroom detention was being held in.When I creaked the door open and found a seat that I slouched down in, me being dumb not noticing somebody was in the seat next to me.

The teacher began to take role call by calling everyone name.It was all going fine until I heard that one name that made me scream internally.

" Dinah Jane"."Here," she sat loudly but then I realized I was seating next to her.I groaned and put my head down only for someone to take by SnapBack.Of course it was Dinah

I looked up and she was taking a picture with my hat on being silly.

Just when I thought matters couldn't get worse,it did.I discovered that Sofia was also in detention.I let out a silent frustrated groan and rested my whole body across the table which made Dinah roll her eyes and she continued taking selfies.This is the worst day ever.

"Y/n Knowles." "Here," I mumbled quietly but loud enough for the teacher to here me.She then proceeded with the roll call.

" Psst,Y/N!" I heard Sofia say from behind me,I pretended that I didn't hear her and put my headphone on and turn the music to full volume.

I had a bad undertake of the girls I've been with.The only reason Sofia keeps bugging me because I hook up with her once and now she won't leave me alone like take a hint, it was just a One night stand.

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