Chapter Six

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Chloe's POV:

I was in the auditorium that we've always used for Bella's rehearsals, for as long as I've been a Bella anyway. I just finished writing the 'game plan' on the whiteboard and I started to set up the chairs.

All of a sudden Beca burst through the heavy double doors and threw her bag onto the ground.

"Beca?" I said cautiously "Are you okay?" She ignored my question and immediately started helping me set up chairs. "No actually Chloe, I've had a pretty bad day and I'd love to talk to you about it" I said with annoyance in my voice as I stared at the short brunette. She ignored me for the second time. "Beca!" I yelled "Are you deaf?" I was really starting to get angry at this point. Why was she always ignoring me?

She turned to look at me. I was a little shocked to be met with watery eyes. She was quite obviously trying not to cry.

"I'm fine" She said, continuing on with setting out the chairs. I stood still, staring at her. I bit my lip nervously, what was wrong with her? "It's impolite to stare, Chlo" She joked, flashing me a smile and winking at me. A smile?? Was this girl bipolar?

"Beca" I said softly, walking towards her "Just talk to me" I put my hand on hers and smiled at her, trying to push away my feelings of anger so she'd open up to me. She looked down at our hands and then back at me.

"I said I'm fine, just back the fuck off, okay?" she said, pulling her hand away and continuing with placing the chairs.

I sighed, staring at her with raised eyebrows. She didn't make any attempt to look at me or say anything so I just shook my head and finished setting out the chairs. She was so annoying sometimes.

There was an awkward silence between us.

Thankfully the rest of the Bella's poured in. I couldn't stand being alone with Beca for any longer. Not with her like this, anyway.

Ashley and Jessica walked in first, they could probably sense the tension between Beca and I considering they gave each other a look. Denise walked in next. Then Flo and Cynthia Rose walked in, having an in depth conversation about the price of milk in America. Then Lilly, then Stacie and finally Fat Amy waltzed in.

Everyone took their seats except for me and Beca. We stood at the front as co-captains.

"Okay, Bella's" I clapped my hands together cheerfully despite my current mood. "Welcome to the first rehearsal this year!"

Fat Amy cheered loudly.

"Thank you, Fat Amy." I laughed "As most of you know we rehearse at least two hours everyday, six days a week, starting today" Flo's eyes widened, this being news to her. It was better than Aubrey's seven days a week last year, compared to her I was being lenient "At this point we'd usually hand out the set list, but this year we're straying from tradition and doing mixes, which most of you girls would know from last years finals" they all nodded "Beca, have you finished those mixes yet?" I asked, not looking at her.

"No" She deadpanned "Is that a problem, Chloe?"

"No" I said "We need them ASAP though"

"Yep" She said, clear annoyance in her face and voice. "Anyway" She turned her attention to the rest of the Bellas "our first performance is next week, so we need to be ready"

The rest of the rehearsal trailed on, the tension between Beca and I failing to reside.

Once rehearsals were over Beca and I were the last ones to leave as it was up to us to pack up.

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