Chapter 5: Just A Stupid Glitch

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Error sat on the ground, looking up at the twinkling stars of Outertale. His glitches had died down a little, but for some reason, they weren't going away.
Error balled his hands into fists as he thought about his situation. He had a fear of being touched, and a bone-crushing hug wasn't helping him. Error's glitches died down a bit more as he snorted at the pun that had crossed his mind.
Error thought about the colorful skeleton, Fresh, again. He didn't seem to care about anything - he just seemed emotionless. He might be.
Error's grin faltered slightly. Why should he care about that worthless piece of trash? That abomination?
"He's just a glitch.. they aLl aRe!"
Then, there was a new voice. A familiar one, at that.
"Well, you aren't any different, broski. Tell me, bro, why do ya think you were created? To bring misery to others! You think we're bad, but you seem to forget that you're the worst!"
Error's breath hitched as he backed away from the 90's nightmare. Memories, memories of the voices teasing him, mocking him, telling him he's nothing but a glitch, he won't be anything else. All of those memories were triggered.
"Can't accept the truth, brah?" Fresh smirked. "Oh well. See ya on the flip side, bro!"
Error just stared at his hands in horror. The 90s nightmare was right. Error was just a meaningless glitch, created to destroy and bring misery to others. It was clear to Error now that he didn't belong, he wasn't meant to exist.
Error hugged his knees and cried. Usually, he hated showing his emotions like this, didn't want anyone to see that they got to him. He hated himself for breaking down like this.
He wasn't upset by what Fresh had said - no, he was upset by the fact that Fresh was right.
Fresh was right, and he hated it.
He hated himself.
Error wiped away his tears, his meaningless tears. He knew it wouldn't help his situation in the slightest.
But, he didn't care.
He just didn't care.
Error had been left alone to go crazy, and he had.
He really was insane, wasn't he?
The voices tried to comfort the glitchy skeleton, but to no avail. He simply ignored them.
Error paused for a moment and started to think. So what if he's a glitch? It didn't matter to Blue, and it shouldn't matter to him, right?
Then, Error felt something that he thought he never would feel.
The screams of those he killed, the innocent people murdered, the remaining residents driven to insanity.
It was all his fault.
He really did bring misery to others.
He really was insane.
Then came a new emotion.
Fresh had upset him like this. Fresh was making him suffer. Fresh was enjoying making him suffer.
Error was conflicted. Emotions surged through him like an electric shock.
Rage, hate, regret, sorrow...
He didn't like any of it.
This was why he hated his emotions.
Error sighed.
"I'm just a stupid glitch."
I know most of this is just depressing Error thoughts, sorry ;~;
Nonetheless, enjoy~!

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