Chapter 9: The Chara Crew

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     Slay let go of everyone, putting on a serious expression. "Okay, so, there's actually someone else I'd like to introduce."

     "Another Chara?" Error guessed, raising a non-existent eyebrow.

     Slay gasped dramatically for effect. "How did you know?!"

     "Probably because the only ones who have been introduced to us so far are Charas, and the title of this chapter is literally 'The Chara Crew'." Fresh interrupted.

     Blue whacked Fresh in the back of his skull. "Dangit, Fresh! We're not allowed to break the fourth wall!"

     "There are four walls!?" Slay screeched.

     "I'm surrounded by idiots..." Lime grumbled.

     "Was that a Lion King reference?" Slay inquired.

     "Who are you going to introduce to us!?" Error snapped, making everyone look up at him.

     "Oh, right! Their name is Fallacy."

     "I heard my name!" Sure enough, a Chara appeared. They looked normal except for the fact that they had a pair of angel wings.

     "Wow." Blue murmured. "I've never seen an angel before!"

     "So.. you've never looked in a mirror?" Lime flirted unintentionally.

     Fresh began dying of laughter in the backround while Blue just stared.

     "I'm so proud! Omg!" Slay giggled.

     "End my suffering." Lime cursed under their breath.

     "Wow. That was hard to watch." Fallacy blinked.

     "Yep!" A new voice said. They all turned to look at the newcomer.

     It was a human, maybe around the age of 12 or 13. They wore a purple sweater with two blue stripes; their eyes were a bright violet color. They wore a light purple skirt, and pink pants. They seemed to be female.

     "Who are you?" Error eyed them suspiciously.

     "Oh! I'm Teki! Nice to meet you!" She chirped (no she's not a bird), smiling innocently.

     "Teki," Fallacy repeated. "That name sure sounds familiar."

     "Oh, well, we've never met before." Teki said, still sounding sickeningly happy.

     "Oh my god, I haven't even known you for five minutes yet you already make me want to kill myself." Lime growled, clenching their teeth.

     "Lime, that's rude!" Blue scolded, placing his hands on his hips (ooo sassy~).

     "Well, what if I'm a rude person?"

     "...Well then, don't be!"

     "Okay, mom." Lime smirked. Blue scoffed and crossed his arms.

     "I totally ship them." Slay grinned a toothy grin.

     "You're an interesting bunch, aren't you?" Teki inquired.

     "We sure are." Error rolled his eyes.

     "Come on, dawg, you know you love us~" Fresh chuckled.

     "Right." Error replied, a faint blush on his cheeks.

     "Oh my god!" A screech suddenly interrupted everyone's daily dose of ErrorFresh.

     "Slay, what is it now?" Lime huffed.

     "This should be interesting." Fallacy murmured.

      "Indeed." Teki agreed.

     "Grappling hook!!" Slay held up a grappling hook. "Now I can use this to kill the evil demon dorito with a top hat and bow!"

     "We've been over this, Slay. Nobody likes your Gravity Falls references!" Lime hissed.

     "I think there's a reason that the commenters favor me over you." Slay teased.

     "THEY LOVE ME!" Lime snapped.

     "Whoa! Hey, brah, chill." Fresh looked at the two fighting humans.

     "Please stop fighting... I think I've faced enough arguments today." Blue said, looking down.

     "ENOUGH!" Teki screamed, making everyone freeze where they were.

     "Nice," Fallacy muttered.

     "You're welcome." Teki grinned.

     "Whatever!" Lime huffed.

     "Okay! Now that that's over," Error rolled his eyes. "Why are you Charas here anyway?"

     "Well," Fallacy explained. "There's someone going around destroying AUs besides Error. They're stealing everyone's souls. Some say that the mysterious figure is going to use these souls to destroy the multiverse entirely - they even want to destroy the original universe!"

     "I'm too radical to die, brah!" Fresh interrupted.

     "So... someone's stealing my job, and is going to do something even worse than I did?" Error blinked. "Heh. They're so dead."

     "They're so powerful." Fallacy reminded. "Nobody knows who they are, but they know that they have even more power than you, Error. Even Ink, so there's no use getting him involved either."

     "I don't like the sound of this, dawg." Fresh muttered to Error.

     "It's funny," Blue said, everyone turning their attention to him. "It's like... the bad guys have become the good guys."

     "Yeah," Error chuckled quietly.


     "Well..." Teki began. "Not all of them..."



Im so sorry XDD

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