Sideshow #6

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  • Dedicated to Time travelers

"What era is this?" Lucas looked around, confused and disgusted, "The mist is so strong."

"I don't know. Probably a popular one." Silk replied, "let us say... 1900's England? ...Excuse me, what year is this?"

The lady just tilted her head and answered briefly before sizing the two of them up, "'Tis 1912."

"Thank you! Oh, a reminder, what is this place? Is it England?" Lucas added, putting his head over Silk's shoulder and gave the vampire a pinch on his waist where he was sensitive, plus a short sentence under his breath, "Ha-ha, twelve years!"

"Yes, it is." She lowered her lashes, probably thinking about running away or the sort. Or maybe something worse.

"Well, the war is about to begin, go flee." Silk smiled, and pinched Lucas back, just the changing of where to pinch.

"You are stopping me to." She looked up into his eyes, didn't notice Lucas's swearing habbit.

We were tall for 1912? That was unusual. I didn't notice.

"Sorry." Silk waved, but the lady didn't wave him back, only left a glimpse of velvet dress swaying away in the mist.

"Well, I should've met her when I was here last time." Silk strectched his neck long and looked at her walking away, an almost dreamy expression on his face, "she sure is a charming lady."

Lucas remained silent.

"What's wrong, old pal?" Silk mimicked a British accent, but what he got was only the rolling of Lucas's eyes, "Are you able to have babies still?"

"Not that you pinched me some place. She reminded me of someone. I cannot remember who."

"Exactly a lady?" Silk laughed and joked, "Someone as gentle as Vaita?"

"Not really. I don't know." Lucas seemed to be trying to squash his eyebrows together by frowning, staring at the piece of air where the lady had vanished.

Silk looked at him for a long moment, then said in a faked light tone, "alright, whatever that is, we should probably go back now."

Without looking back to check whether Lucas was with him or not, he stepped into a glowing square of darkness behind him, where he came from.

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