The Grove

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Something crashed. Eclipse's eyes snapped open, her haws blinking slowly, ears strained. Voices thundered about the crevice, causing Eclipse to moan in irritation.

 Not being able to sleep, she stood up and stretched, wincing as she walked out, her talons scraping against the stone.

"Da-a-rling you're up!" Marte cooed, her tail plumage flaring in excitement. She walked in front of Eclipse, almost hitting her with her frilled tail, and admonished the two dragonets behind Eclipse.

"Quiet, will you?" she hissed, shooting Eclipse a look of disbelief. "dragonets," she grumbled, chuckling slightly. Eclipse nodded and gave her a fake laugh, passing them. "Twig and Snap. Love them to death, but..." she sighed and waved her hand.

"Oh! I have to show you where I work! Oh oh this'll be exciting!"

 Eclipse stifled a moan, I was hoping she'd forget. "Come on!"

Marte shoved past her, spreading her magnificent wings. In the light, they were a luminescent dark blue with light mottled patterns.

They exited the castle and banked towards a large grove, landing on an arched pillar that stretched from the ground.

"This is the Grove!" Marte squeaked, spreading her wings and fully spreading her tail feathers, looking like an overgrown peacock.

Eclipse looked over the many arches in the fields to see a brilliant garden full of dragons with uniforms on, pulling on strings on their strange garments, which poured water and seeds. Others were pulling huge contraptions that stirred up the soil. It was alive with huge trees with strange colors, and flowers upon flowers and foliage.

"The herbs grow here, you know, for the medics," Marte said. She gave her a funny look. Eclipse realized her beak was hanging open and closed it.

"Hey! Marte!" someone called from ahead. They tossed her a uniform, which she caught in her talons. She pulled it over her head. "Wear this." 

she tossed Eclipse a strange backpack with holes in the sides. "they're filled with seeds, but don't put it on until we enter the field."

Her giving orders seriously made her feathers ruffled. Who's she to tell me what to do? I think I can plant seeds.

Eclipse fumbled  into the nest, aching all over, hot with embarrassment. She ended up destroying the plants more than helping them.

"Don't worry about it," Marte said, walking in behind her.

Easy for you to say. That's your job.

Eclipse snorted out a plume of smoke, shoving past Marte without a glance. Her legs gave out almost the moment she touched her nest, and let out a long sigh. Chittering outside of her grove told her that the two dragonets were fumbling about. She could hear Marte scolding them.

"Just another day..." Eclipse mumbled, her muscles feeling like lead as her eyelids drooped.

Unfortunately, her mind strayed.

She entered a dark room with long stalactites hanging from the ceiling. Eclipse's breathing came out in echoes, the air cold. Dread seeped into her gizzard.

"So. You decided to seek the council?" a familiar voice boomed. Eclipse bowed her head and walked over to a pedestal with a magnificent dragon draped across it. Two torches of red fire were blazing behind him.

"Your majesty," she groveled, bowing low. He snorted, lighting up his face.

"No need for that. Now, you wish to consult the truth?"

She nodded. He sighed. "Follow me."

She followed him into a tunnel. Something wet dripped down on her back, and she stepped in multiple puddles, feeling irritated.

They entered a smaller cavern, with a large pool that took up most of the floor. She had to edge around it to get a good look. It was silvery-blue, with a rich purple in the middle. She took in a breath.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" he mused, standing across from her.

Eclipse looked up in awe. "The elders didn't do their justice talking about it."

He smiled in the faint light. "Now, just take a swim and allow yourself to sink to the bottom. The answers will be revealed then."

Her heart was hammering, stomach in her throat. How can I do this? I've been waiting my whole life... what if I don't see what I want to see? That was always a chance. Some dragons who came out from the pool weren't the same again.

She placed one foot in the water and shivered. She put weight on it, and almost immediately regretted it. Despite how shallow it looked, there was no bank. She slipped and fell in. Eclipse thrashed around, until remembering that she must be still. She stopped struggling and allowed her body to sink to the bottom.

Something began to whisper in her ear. She opened her eyes, and gasped. She yelled with horror. She saw-

"HEY WAKE UP!" someone shrieked. Eclipse gasped and sat up, throwing a small dragon from her chest.

"What is it?" she mumbled, rubbing her head.

The small dragonet snorted a small plume of smoke. "Someone is here to see you. Said it's important."

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