A Stolen Object

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He landed by the large mound of dried mud.

"You wanted to show me a pile of dirt?" Eclipse hissed, landing beside him. Had he tricked me? Is the heat messing with my brain? 

 He sighed and walked on top of it. "Can't you look past your long nose long enough to listen to me?"

Eclipse snorted, shutting her beak.

"Thank you."

Emit began digging in the mound. Mud flew, some getting on Eclipses cere.

She wiped it off, trying not to bite Emit. "Why do you want to show me you digging?"

Emit looked up, his white feathers now covered in mud. "This is a blockade. To an entrance somewhere."

She cocked her head to the side, snorting smoke. "O-okay. Why do you think it's an entrance?"

He sighed and gestured for her to come over. She obliged, and looked at the hole

"This is why."

In front of them lay a large tunnel, leading to Finch-knows-where.

"Cool. creepy tunnel." Her feathers began to crawl. Something didn't feel right.

Emit rolled his eyes, standing back. "Oh, for Finch's sake! I think it's connected to the attacks."

"You think they have to do with the killings?" Something definitely didn't feel right.

Emit went stiff. "We need to leave."

She looked at him, flicking her ear. "What?"

"Now," he hissed, running into a scant bush. He gestured her to come over urgently.

She followed, only a bit too slowly. Something shrieked above her. When she looked up, she saw three shapes with translucent wings. She did a double take- why did those dragons have bat wings and feathers on them?

One flew down, his talons outstretched. Eclipse yelled and stumbled backwards, avoiding their claws by inches.

The other one swept down and landed in front of her, his mismatched wings spread. His face was a terrifying sight- slim and ferocious like a Snaterin- smooth and thin like a... Eclipse wasn't sure. She didn't want to know.

He opened his maw and hissed, his awful breath washing over her. His fangs were long, like a snake's, his tongue barbed.

The last one landed behind him, just a tail length away from Emit. Eclipse quickly looked at him, and he gave her a fleeting look.

The one who tried to attack her moments before walked up behind her. She could feel their breath.

Okay. Breathe. Remember your training. Figure out your situation. Eclipse made notes of where everyone was. She paid attention to his breathing, and the others' gaits. Okay. Good. Now, pay attention to their movements.

"So," the scale-less one said, pacing in front of her. The words at the end of his sentence hissed when we flicked his tongue. "What is a little thing like you doing out here...?"

"Trespassing," the one behind her hissed. A female? Definitely doesn't look female. Eclipse chuckled to herself.

The dragon behind her smacked the back of her head. "What's so funny?"

Eclipse shuddered and shook her head.

"Yes," he continued. "Tresspassing." His expression was almost sad, ignoring Eclipse.

"Tresspassing!" The one behind him cackled. Her face came into view. Half of her face was mauled, her eye missing, and covered in welts, like it was melting. Her skin had scales with- wait, is that fur?

Fur peeked out the chinks of her scales and on the bare spots, like her chest and stomach.

"Tell me, Sphynx, what do we do with those who trespass?" she continued, her gargled voice grating against Eclipses ears.

He snarled and bore his frightening fangs. "We kill them slowly."

Eclipse ducked as the female behind her lunged, and pushed upwards, sending her reeling into the one called Sphynx. The furry-scaled one pushed off into the air, hissing madly. Her wings dipped and she dove, hissing as she prepared to spit fire. Just then. Emit launched out of his spot and bit down on her tail. She squealed and veered to the right, toppling into the mound of mud. It sprayed everywhere just as she coughed out her fire.

Eclipse rubbed the mud out of her eyes and took to the air.

"Emit! Come on!" she yelled behind her. She only hoped he was following behind her.

"We'll get you, pure ones! We'll watch your city burn!"

She didn't look back until they were within a few feet from the castle.

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