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Eclipse soared above the grounds, watching the dragon villages. No one has been assigning her jobs, so she decided to stretch her wings for a little bit.

She gazed down, circling above the village of dragons with scales. The bustled along, slithering and weaving among the trees and huts, hissing and flapping their naked wings.

Eclipse shuddered. She was glad her wings had feathers.

Suddenly, a dark shape dove into the canopy. Interested, Eclipse shot towards it. She opened her wings and landed on a thick branch. She almost turned back before she saw it again. Her heart dropped. This dragon was obviously female, and had green stripes. Not like the medium sized black dragon from a few hours before. She frowned, disappointed.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

Eclipse squawked, almost falling out of the tree. She hastily turned towards the voice. It was a dark purple dragon snorting a large cloud of smoke.


"Do you have permission to be here?"

Eclipse looked at the dragon. She had lether armor on. A guard's uniform.

"No..." she squeaked, trying to smooth her feathers. Why should I be so ruffled from a Snaterin

The dragon sighed and rolled her eyes. "Then you'll need to leave."

Eclipse opened her beak, trying to find something mean to say, when someone interrupted.

"Hey! Mango, stop scaring that feather-dragon. She can stop here if she wishes." 

A new dragon, green with mottled yellow, popped into view. He was scrawny and tripped over a thorn bush. "Ow."

Mango snapped her maw and rolled her eyes again. "Banana, for Finch's sake, can't you go five minutes without butting in my business?"

Banana straightened himself, thorns sticking out of his shoulder pads. "Um, yeah but, you don't have to tell people to get out, only like, shifty dragons," he countered, oblivious to her tone.

Mango rolled her eyes. Does it hurt when you do that? Eclipse wondered.

"Banana, ohmygod. We just had a meeting. Remember, we have to be on alert after-" she caught herself and looked at Eclipse. "um, forget it."

Banana sat down, touching the point of his spear. "Yeah, okay, but she doesn't look mean. I've seen her before. If she was a lowly thief and stuff, then-"

Mango snarled and smacked him on the head. "Idiot! We're not supposed to talk about it!"

Banana cowered, rubbing his forehead. "Ow,"

"Anyways," she hunched her shoulders and straightened her back, facing Eclipse. "you should better leave, or I'll call reinforcements."

"Reinforcements?" Eclipse looked around. The only dragons with uniforms like Mango's were sprawled on sunning rocks.

Mango cursed, spewing steam. "Idiots!"

Eclipse blinked, shuffling her wings. "Yeah, I'll just go..."

The officer snarled and glared at her. "Leave!" She held out her talons and made shooing motions, which really annoyed Eclipse.

As she took off into the sky, she could hear screaming at Bannana.

"Hey, Eclipse!"

She held back an inwards groan as she pulled into the castle. She paused in midair as a young dragon with red wings fluttered over. He was panting heavily.

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