the vision

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Emma's POV

This was it, the vision was finally coming true. I braced myself as the hooded figure walked in my direction and pulled out a sword.

I still hadn't figured out who they were or why they wanted me dead but I guess this is the moment all of that will be revealed. I only wish I could've had a chance to say goodbye, to Killian, Henry, my parents. I had worried for a long time about what would happen after I was gone, I knew Henry would have Regina, my parents would have each other, but Killian... I can't bear to think about what will happen to him.

I have been in the wish realm for about 4 months now and that day, the day i was sent there I found out something - I was pregnant. I planned on telling him that night but never had the chance and now, I'm going to die. And so will my baby. I will fight until my last breath if for nothing else, for my child, but I honestly don't know how i'm going to get out of this one.

Killian's POV

4 months without her, 4 months without the person I loved most in the world, 4 months of going to sleep every night without her and waking up every morning expecting her to be by my side. I can't handle it any longer.

6:00, damn it i was supposed to go meet David at the sheriffs station.
"Henry! Time to go," I called from outside his room.
"I'm not coming" He yelled back.
"Henry?" I creaked open the door and found him sat on the end of the bed, his face stained with tears he tried to wipe away but I saw.

"Hey, What's going on?"
"I'm sorry It's just been a long day and I guess i just miss my mom. Its fine, you can go, you don't need to hang around to listen to this."
"Henry, it's okay to miss her but we're going to find her I swear I won't give up until we do."
"And how do you know?"
"I don't know, but if theres one thing I have learnt from your grandparents, it's that hope is a very powerful thing."

"Thankyou Killian."
"For what?"
"Everything. For being here for me this whole time, for protecting my mom, for being so strong through all of this."
"Are you joking? I haven't been strong, I am absolutely terrified without Emma but you know what's kept me going?"
Henry suddenly flung his arms round me and I held him tight as he sobbed. After a while when his cries had quietened we pulled away and i wiped the tears from his eyes, "We're gonna make it through this okay?"
He nodded and smiled. "Let's go."

Emma's POV

A deep voice came from under the hood, "Ive been waiting a long time for this." He pulled down his hood and to my suprise I had never even seen this man's face in my life.
"Who are you? I don't even know you?"
"Oh, we've met before trust me, but i have certainly changed a lot since i grew up."

I stepped back as he continued to walk towards me.
"Let me refresh your memory, my name is Gideon."
Gideon? It took me a moment to process who this man was.
"Belles son? I- I don't understand, she gave birth only a few months ago."
"Look, I'm not here to discuss all the details with you, I'm just here to kill you and of course that child"
My arms wrapped around my stomach protectively. "Please, why do you want me dead?"
He smiled and put up his sword just as I did mine and the battle began.

Killians POV

As we walked through the quiet dark streets of storybrooke i saw David, Belle and Aladdin running towards me looking panicked.

"Killian! Henry!" Belle yelled, "Thank god we found you, it's Emma, Leroy just saw her fighting some guy in a hood on main street."
"Emma?" I felt my heart beating out of my chest, Emma is back, the vision is coming true. I ran as fast as I could, with Henry at my heels. I thought i was going to be sick, I had never been so petrified in my life.

After a few minutes we came to main street and in a cloud of smoke I could just about make out two figures and hear swords clashing together.
"EMMA!" I screamed and tried to run in to help her but David held me back.
"Let me go! She's going to die!"
"You won't be able to do anything! She is the savior and if anyone can do this it's her." David reasoned with me as he tried to calm me but it didn't work, I grabbed Henry and shielded him from the sight by holding onto him tightly. I think it was more as comfort to myself to stop me from screaming.
I watched in horror for what seemed like a lifetime until Emma was knocked to the ground with a hard thud. She stood up and braced herself. I watched as he was about to stab her and i screamed but was surprised when she dodged out of the way and stabbed him through his chest sending him falling to the floor. She did it.

I ran to Emma and hugged her tightly.
"Emma, are you okay?"
"Yeah I'm fine, I missed you so much.
When we pulled away she looked at me and bit her lip.
"Yeah, um there's something you should know." She giggled
She took off her large bulky coat to reveal her tight t-shirt. My mouth fell open. It was small but you could tell exactly what it was, she touched her stomach and put her hand to my cheek.
"Killian, I'm pregnant, you're going to be a father."
"Are you serious! Emma oh my god I love you so bloody much!"
At that moment Henry butted in, "You're having a baby?"
"Yeah kid, I guess so."
He grabbed us both and brought us into a huge hug, finally i had my happy ending.

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