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This takes place after 6x16, Killian has a nightmare about Emma and they talk through the shell phone

I was chained up against a wall along with Henry, Snow and Charming as Emma fought Gideon on main street. I tried to break free but it was no use, I could only stand there and watch. He pulled out a sword and I screamed out the word "No!" before Emma fell to the floor.

I sat up quickly, gasping and sobbing. It was just a dream. I sighed and reached out for her hand only to remember I wasn't with her which only caused me to cry even more. I was sleeping in a tree in Neverland, i had been hiding from lost boys for weeks now thanks to Blackbeard and I didn't have a clue how to get back to Emma, being without her was destroying me and the fact that she thinks i have abandoned her breaks my heart. I suddenly remembered the shell phone i had around my neck. I grabbed it and held it close as i whispered into it. "Emma, are you there?"

Emma's POV
As i lay in my empty bed staring up at the ceiling I heard a voice come from the shell phone i had around my neck. I quickly sat up, "Killian? Killian can you hear me?"

Killians POV
She heard me.
"Emma im so sorry i love you! I didn't mean to leave it was..."
"I know i heard you last time it's okay, i love you too. Where are you?"
"Im in Neverland, I had a bean but it brought me here instead of home."
"I know, Gideon put a protection spell over you."
"So...I can't return."
"Not until I defeat the black fairy for him, then he will lift the spell."
At that moment I completely broke down, I tried to hide my sobs so she wouldn't hear but it wouldnt work.
"I miss you so much" My voice broke through my cries and i could hear her starting to cry too.
"I miss you too, I will get you back Killian."
"I love you."
"I love you too."

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