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This is my first real long story (so bear with me). This is just the intro, doesn't relate too much with the rest of the story yet. Hope you enjoy!

The young woman pointed the high-powered flashlight at the wall. The small beam of light revealed the wet wall of the underground cave she was exploring. She tentatively reached out a hand to touch it. She shuddered. It had a slimy, cold, wet feel. She slowly swept the light around, taking in her surroundings. There wasn’t much to see. The walls surrounding her were wet, slowly dripping with some type of moisture. The research that she had done prior to the exploration had shown that what she needed should be around here somewhere, possibly as close as around the corner.

She suddenly started. There had been something against the wall as her flashlight passed over it. It had almost looked human. She quickly flicked the flashlight back to where she had seen the strange shape. Nothing was there. But that was what frightened her. It was black. No pinprick of light could reveal the darkness hidden there. As she watched with ever growing fright, the beam of light started to disappear, almost magically. It was as if the light was being sucked in by a black hole.

The girl suddenly found herself completely in the dark. Not a single spark of brightness. She flicked her flashlight off, and then on again, trying to revive her  dead light. No such luck. It was dead and going to stay dead, even considering the fact that she had put in new, fully charged batteries just that morning. She reached behind her to grab the extra flashlight in her backpack. Her hand only groped the empty air.

Then she remembered, the crevice that she had been squeezing through had been too thin for her overly stuffed backpack. Thinking that she would be back soon, she left her supplies to explore.

Only now did she realize how foolish that had been. How had she managed to ignore all her previous training? She suddenly with a start that she hadn’t had that thought. She would never do a dumb thing like that; ignoring all her training just to get through a crevice.

Regardless of why she did that She needed to get out of there. Who knew how long she could survive without her things. She could only hope that she was pointed in the right direction that lead her back to that thin crevice. However, without her flashlight, she had no way to know if she was.

She reached her hands out in front of her, hoping she was walking in a straight path. She walked slowly, trying not to fall, but still rushing a bit. She stumbled over rocks and cracks in the ground. She thought she had finally found a pinpoint of light when her foot touched open air. She tried to fling herself backwards, but it was too late.

She was falling, arms flailing, trying to grasp something. It was no use. She knew she would hit the bottom soon. She spread herself out as far as she could to try to slow her fall as much as possible.

The longer she fell, the more certain she was that she wouldn’t survive. At the current height she was at, there was a very small chance of survival (counting on someone finding her at the bottom), and that was getting to a hospital immediately. She didn’t cry out, it would’ve been pointless. Yelling or screaming wasn’t going to stop her fall. Even in the unlikely case that someone was nearby and heard her cry, they wouldn’t be able to get to her in time, much less be able help her even if they did. No, she decided, I will spend my last moments silent.

Soon, it would all be over.

So I'm really hoping that want a complete failure... Let me know what you think or if you have any suggestions, I'd be glad to hear them. Also, I need suggestions for a better title. The one I have was the only thing coming to mind, but it sounds horrible. So any suggestions would be much appreciated. Thanks

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