Chapter One

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So I finally got around to updating. This hasn't really been read over so I hope there aren't too many errors.

Madge adjusted the straps of her backpack as she entered the high school. You couldn’t say she was nervous or anxious, but her stomach fluttered. Maybe in anticipation. She walked directly to the office without stopping to consider direction. She didn’t have time to mess around.

“Hello, what can I help you with?” the woman behind the desk asked her.

“I’d like to get my schedule, please. I moved in recently and wasn’t able to come sooner. I believe I should have one, though.” Hurry up and get on with it, I don’t want to be late. She needed to get to class early, sooner she started with that boy, the better.

“I’m sorry, I don’t think I can do that for you, your parents have to create your schedule,” replied the woman in an arrogant tone.

“They did create my schedule,” Madge said, exasperated. “And now I’m asking for it so I can get to class on time.”

“Ok, then, what’s your name, dear?” the woman asked.

“It’s Madge. The faster, the better, by the way.” Madge was getting impatient.

“And how would you spell that, honey? I don’t believe I’m familiar with that name.”

Madge sighed. “It’s spelled M-a-d-g-e. Capital m.”

“Madge what, dear,” the woman persisted. “I can’t search you until you give me a last name.”

Madge could have strangled that lady. Honestly, what does she think; that there are millions of Madge’s in this school?

“Madge isn’t a common name, I’m pretty sure I’m the only one here,” Madge said. She didn’t want to give her last name away. In fact, she was pretty sure that she had created her schedule without a last name. So it would do nothing if not make it worse if she gave the lady her last name. Now, if you could just give me the schedule, I’ll be on my way, thank you very much! Madge almost attacked the woman.

“Honey, I need your last name.”

“Well have you even tried typing in my first name? I’m almost positive mine would be the only one there.”

“Darling, why won’t you just tell me your last name? It won’t hurt you.”

“Why exactly do you need my last name?” Madge asked. She was losing her patience. Also, what was with this lady and her pet names? “Darling” this and “dear” that. Ugh.

“Sweetheart, I need your last name so I can pull up your schedule.” The lady still had a smile on her face.

Madge rolled her eyes. “Have you even tried searching ‘Madge’ yet?”

“My child, I can search your name when you give me your last name. You don’t need to keep it a secret.”

Madge took in a few deep breaths to keep from attacking the woman. She spoke through gritted teeth. “Just search the name ‘Madge’.”

“Are you just going to stand there are argue with me all day?”

Madge opened her mouth to answer, but the woman was faster. “If you’re not going to give me your last name, please move. You can get back in line when you decide to tell me your last name.”

“I don’t think you understand,” Madge started.

“I’m sorry dear, no excuses. Now, if you could please move on, there are people waiting.”

Madge rolled her eyes. Some people! What was with people these days. It wasn’t that hard to type in “Madge” and push print. Madge knew for a fact that she was the only “Madge” in the school but explaining to that extremely annoying woman would have been beyond useless and time wasting.

Well, I guess I’ll be doing this the hard way, Madge thought. She looked briefly around for a restroom. Once she had located the one she was looking for, she strode quickly inside. She couldn’t risk anyone seeing her Airscreen.

    She flicked her palm instantly bring up a screen that hovered in the air. She scrolled through the pages looking for the one she was looking for. She came to her schedule, the one she had created. She was going to need it today to prove to her teachers that she really was supposed to be there, even if she actually wasn’t. Because that office lady had been so stubborn, she wouldn’t have an official copy. She wouldn’t even have a paper copy, for that matter. She would have to do the best with what she had. Hopefully, they wouldn’t ask to hold it.

    She pressed the print button on the screen. She watched as the air molecules came together to form a stable surface. It was delicate, but at least holding together. Her air screen scanned the surface, then scanned the words onto the screen, the air absorbing the color. It would last at least a day, she told herself. Hopefully.

    Flicking the air screen off, she scanned the schedule. Ugh, what boring topics. What kind of person would sign up for these classes, she thought. Of course, she hadn’t chosen her own classes. It was of the most importance that she had the same classes as the boy. Apparently, he was a very boring person. Oh well, not much I can do about that. She looked at the room number of her first class. She could find it easily enough. She turned and stalked out of the bathroom towards her first class.

    She didn’t quite know what to expect, but she had to go for it. Looking up at the room numbers as she passed, she realized she was going to need a place to store her backpack. She couldn’t store it in a locker considering that she could need it at any time. But she couldn’t carry it around either. She was pretty sure that teachers didn’t allow backpacks in class. She couldn’t be caught with this, considering what kinds of weapons she was carrying, specifically her laser pistol.  She decided that the easiest way was to put it in her watch pocket.

    She took off her backpack and held it over her high-tech watch. A small laser beam came out of the surface and scanned her bag, instantly shrinking it. She then pushed it against the side and it was absorbed into the small pouch. Now to find the classroom.

    After searching for a considerable amount of time, she finally decided to use her ring. The classroom was impossible to find. She twisted the ring around her finger and a screen popped up. She typed in the room number and pushed “find.”

    Her directions lead her through a maze of halls and through a lot of closed doors. She finally reached her destination. Her eyes widened as she looked at the plaque by the door.

    She hesitantly grabbed the doorknob, twisting it to open the door. As it swung open, it was all she could do to keep her jaw up. This was not what she expected at all. Not by a long shot.

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