Chapter 4

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Madge woke up to her name being called. Someone was shaking her shoulders.

"Madge, the bell is about to ring. You need to wake up now."

Madge heard all the commotion around her and forced her eyes open. Several faces hovered above her as she struggled to sit up.

Madge groaned. Her body screamed in protest as she sat up from the ground. She groggily looked around seeing all the students gathered around her. Troy was sitting next to her, apparently the source of her waking.

Ms. Wache was pacing nearby and promptly walked over as soon as she saw that Madge was awake.

"Are you alright, dear?" Ms. Wache asked. "I'm sorry, I should never had told you to show us some tricks. They were amazing, by the way. You are really talented."

"I'm fine," Madge replied, her head starting to hurt significantly. "Just a small headache."

"What class do you have next," Troy suddenly interrupted. "If it's close to mine I can help you there,"

Madge couldn't believe it. Troy was trying to help her. After all she'd planned to do to him, he was still willing to help. Of course he didn't know that, but still.

"I have, uh, here, look at my schedule," she replied weakly, pulling out her schedule. "It should be on here."

After glancing at the schedule, Troy looked at her. "This is crazy, you have all my same classes," Troy exclaimed, astonished. "I mean, seriously, how absolutely absurd is that?"

"Yeah, it is pretty crazy, I guess," Madge said back half heartedly. "Makes things a lot easier when trying to escort me places, don't you think?"

Troy gave her a weird look. "Escort you?"

"You know, you said that you wanted to help me to my next class if it was close enough to yours," Madge replied.


The bell startled everyone. "Are you sure you'll be okay," Ms. Wache asked Madge.

"I'll be fine, thank you," Madge said.

"Okay then, everyone, class dismissed. See you all tomorrow."

Troy helped Madge up and put a hand on her arm as they started to their next class together. She still felt wobbly, but Troy's hand on her arm helped her stay straight.

"That was really amazing, what you did there," Troy stated, breaking the silence. "I mean, just, wow. I don't anyone who's that talented."

"Thank you," Madge said cautiously. "What exactly did I do?"

Troy looked over at her and gave her a look that said are you serious?

"I mean, I know it sounds crazy and all, but I was concentrating on just keeping it up. Of course I had an image of what I wanted to do, but usually it doesn't come out just like I want it."
Troy sighed. "Well, it was amazing. I didn't know it was possible for a professional, much less a starter. It was a beautiful landscape. It was like the room was transformed into it. Of course there were still desks and stuff, but the walls, floor and ceiling all melted into a beautiful snowy landscape. There was the prettiest frozen waterfall that I have ever seen. There were evergreen trees that were covered in snow. Small, white bunnies were hopping around and the sky was a clear blue. It was the most beautiful sight that I have ever seen."

Madge listened with her mouth almost dropping. She never knew that she was that good. She was going for just a little snow, but apparently, it was much more than that. No wonder she felt so drained.

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