Chapter 5

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Closing her eyes, Madge mouthed the words to an old chant. She felt tingles all over her body and she opened her eyes again. Whenever she was like this, everything always had a weird whitish tinge on the outside. Madge had yet to find out why.

Making sure quickly that it worked, Madge looked down at where her hands were supposed to be. Nothing was there. Perfect, Madge thought. It worked.

She looked over at Troy who was still being obedient and looking at the front of the classroom where the teacher was. She knew it was only a matter of time before his curiosity got the better of him and he so much as glanced at her. He would probably freak out somehow. She could only pray that it wouldn't be too major.

Now to take care of business. First item on the list was to make sure that Mrs. Hawk had no memory of Madge walking in or being in the classroom. Otherwise, things might get bad.

This was an easy one. Madge put two fingers on each temple. She closed her eyes again and pushed her thoughts. When she connected with Mrs. Hawk's, she twisted inside to erase the thought.

Madge had to dig a little bit to find what she was looking for, but with some time, she found all the memories of her. There were several "clumps" of things in Mrs. Hawk's head. Each big "clump" led to a smaller "clump" and so on. Looking for specific memories of her, Madge first followed the school "clump." From there, she followed different trails of classes and finally found memories of her. Good thing that Mrs. Hawk cataloged her thoughts so well. It made Madge's job all the easier.

She "highlighted" all the thoughts that Mrs. Hawk had of her and pulled them out. Deciding that she didn't want to deal with all them in her head, Madge threw them out. It was like having something and throwing it out the window. Of course it went somewhere, but Madge hadn't discovered where yet. She had a lot of things that she still needed to find out.

After taking care of Mrs. Hawk's thoughts, Madge gathered her own thoughts and drifted away. She didn't need any other classmates' thoughts taken care of, so she lifted her fingers from her temples and opened her eyes. Blinking a few times, Madge looked around to make sure that nothing that wasn't supposed to be happening was affected by the thought removal. Mrs. Hawk was still taking roll, so Madge moved on to her next task.

This one was fairly easy as well, but because she had already used so much energy in her first class and removing the memories she decided to do it slightly different.

Moving slower than normal to make as little noise as possible, Madge brought her hand forward. She pressed a button on her watch and her backpack popped out to hover above to face of the clock.

The centimeter-thick backpack was clear with no tinge anywhere. As a safety precaution, Madge looked closer. She squinted at the backpack and sort of pushed her eyes. The backpack instantly became the size of her palm. Still no tinge.

Madge decided it was safe. She looked away from the backpack and her eyes refocused to their normal seeing. She gently grabbed the backpack with her thumb and index finger and pulled it to the middle of her desk. It grew instantly to it's normal size and even though she had done her safety check, Madge still quickly glanced around to make sure no one saw.

After confirming her earlier thoughts, she opened her backpack as quietly as possible. She groped around for a few seconds before coming in contact with her tablet. She pulled it out and quickly flicked it on. She pressed her hand to the surface of the tablet and it flashed green.

Madge pushed a button in the corner of the screen. A flat screen extended out of one of the sides and flashed on. Keys flashed across the surface and a keyboard was projected on the screen. Madge set her hands gently on the surface of the keyboard.

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