Chapter 2 - Welcome to the Crew

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My arms and back were aching. Evan had me do pull ups then push ups until my arms gave out. At least he let me go relax for about 30 minutes before dinner at 5:00- I mean 17:00. I've got to get myself into military time here. I've looked at it before but never really remembered and I regret every second of that.

When I got close to the barrack I was staying in I heard talking and laughing. I opened the door and took a step in and everything went silent.

"So you're the new guy," a short dude with a kid voice said to me acting tough.

"Hey now buddy, I'm not in for a fight," I said backing up. I looked around and all the other guys looked serious. This doesn't seem good.

"What's your name blue eyes?!" He shouted in my face.

"Jon!" I shouted back at him with my back against a wall.

"Well," he squeaked, "I'm Lui, the leader of this bunker-"

"Wait, I thought I was!" An irish voice shout back at him.

Lui turned around and walked over to the man sitting on the bottom of the bunk I'm using, who must be Nogla. Nogla smiled nervously and glanced at the other guys, regret strewn across his face.

"I'm the leader Nogla!" Lui yelled at him.

Nogla stifled some laughter. How he was laughing right now boggled my mind. "Alright monkey, you're the leader."

Lui looked at him for another second before turning around with a smile on his face he quickly wiped off when he remembered I was standing in the barrack.

"So," he started, "are you a good boy like me or a bad boy like Nogla?" he asked getting in my face again.

"I'm a good boy," I said calmly.

"Louder!" he shouted at me.

"I'm a good boy!" I cried out closing my eyes. After I said that the room went silent again. I opened my eyes a crack and everyone was staring at the door trying not to laugh. I slowly turned to see Evan standing there looking at me.

"Ok, good boy, dinner's early today. Forget about having half and hour to relax you have two minutes. I better see all of you in Chow Hall then or it's 4 laps around camp," Evan said and I felt a blush creep onto my face.

"Sir!" I shouted and saluted. He looked at my most likely pink face and shook his head as went out the door.

After the door closed the barrack erupted with laughter.

"Is- Is the good boy embarrassed?" A different irish voice said laughing.

A guy with brown hair punch his arm, "Give him a break Brian. Remember when you first came here- what Lui had you do?" he asked smirking. Brian's face paled and his eyes glossed over.

He shivered and whispered, "Don't remind me."

Lui laughed at Brian then walked over to me.

"I have a feeling you're gonna get along great with us," he said sounding like an actual adult. My facial expression must've shown my shock because Lui laughed again.

"You didn't actually think that was my real voice did you?" he asked rather loudly. I opened my mouth and closed it a few times in an attempt to speak but nothing came out.

A man with swag hair climbed down from his bunk and walked over to us. "We gotta get going. I don't feel like running 4 laps." I shut my mouth and nodded as we walked out the door.

While we were walking, the man who punched Brian walked over to introduce himself.

"I'm Brock by the way," I nodded and chuckled a bit.

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