Chapter 4: The 1650 Field

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November 10, 1914


I was awoken by the sounds of trumpets blasting through the cabin once again. This time, I slowly sat up well aware of the ceiling this time. Making sure my back was facing the wall this time, I removed my shirt and changed into uniform. I'm not sure what we are doing today so I just dressed like everyone else in the barracks.

While putting on my shirt I saw two large red rashes on my shoulders from where the barrel was resting.

"What is that Jonathan? Don't try and hide them from me boy! If those are what I think they are you're in big fucking trouble! God dammit! Answer me you little bitch! If that fucker gave you God damn hickeys I'm gonna kill him and you! I wish I had a real son instead of a pussy bitch."

I sighed coming back into reality and made sure I was dressed with everything straight and in order. "Ok, ready for day two," I whispered to myself.

"That's the spirit Jon!" Daithi yelled in my ear.

"Holy shit!" I yelled back jumping with my hands covering my face, "You scared the living daylights out of me Daithi!"

"And it was focking hilarious man," He replied patting my back once before heading out of the cabin. I stepped out in tow after him.

"You ok man?" Some guy asked me. He had short brown hair, a little stubble (which needed to be shaved), and was a little chubby in his mid area.

"Uh, yeah. Just a little frazzled," I answered. He laughed, scaring me for the second time today.

"Sorry! I didn't know my laugh could scare someone so bad. You look like you're about to piss yourself!" and he began laughing that laugh once again. Imagine a hyena's laugh coming out of a man. Frightening, I know.

"I'm Jonathan Denis, one of Sergeant Evans men."

He stuck his hand for me to shake, "I'm Anthony Gibb, one of Sergeant Droidd's men. Everyone calls me Panda though." I guess he noticed my confused expression because he continued speaking. "It's because I'm fat."

That was the first time I have ever snorted while laughing in a long time. He chuckled a little and we started walking down a road with the rest of the men in front of us.

"So," Panda started while looking at the ground in front of him, "When did you get here? I just came through the gate over there about 15 minutes ago and they sent me to those barracks."

"I've only been here for 2 nights so far," I answered back, "No one greeted you, took you to meet your Sergeant, or get a haircut?"

Panda laughed a little, "Yeah right, you do that shit yourself man! It's not like those fairytales your Grandpa tells you about of the Civil War! 'My drill sergeant met me and my brother at the gates of Camp Suck-My-Dick.'"

I stared at him while he continued to blabber on about stories his grandfather told him about fighting in the civil war. Apparently he was shot in the arm and they had to amputate!


"'Sonny don't try and scare old Poppy, I'll shoot your brains out!'" Panda screamed while shaking his fist causing some people to look over at him and shake their heads noticing it was a new guy.

"Panda! Stop talking!" I cut him off, "I have to get to Sergeant Evan or he'll have my ass like yesterday." I warned him.

He smirked at me. "Sounds hot," he said bluntly and starting walking away in the direction Lieutenant Catz gave me my schedule. I turned a deep crimson about his comment.

"Well that was unexpected," I whispered and jogged to the troop.

"...with all of you guys working together, this should be a piece of- Jonathan! Late for the second time in a row!" Evan growled at me.

I stood up straight and apologized profusely.

"No apology is going to cover what you are doing. Your staying with me after everyone is done for the day to learn your lesson." I must've looked just as frightened as I felt because Brock put his hand on my shoulder and took me back to stand with him.

"You'll be fine," he reassured me but the way he was rubbing his fingers together told me otherwise.

Evan stood up tall and cleared his throat, "As I was saying before being interrupted," I looked down with a mix of anger and embarrassment, "teamwork is key! Making across the field is impossible alone, but with the six of you should make it across in one piece. Remember: this is a practice mission. There are no bombs in the field but there are paint bombs that will blow if you make the wrong move. Know that there will be other recruits shooting at you with paintball guns and bullets so we know if you got hit or not. Without a vest on, these bad boys hurt like hell so don't get shot. If you do get shot though, you notify your teammates so they can help you out. Find cover and play it safe while completing the mission at the same time. Any questions?"

We all stared at Evan blankly for a few seconds before straightening ourselves out and shaking our head 'no'.

"Good. All of you; Follow me."

We walked for about 10 minutes to a large open field in a part of camp I've never seen before. "Where are we Brock?" I asked quietly.

Brock gulped so visibly I thought he was going to throw up.

"The 1650 Field."

The field was filled will green grass that looked like the saturation was sucked right out. Mud was everywhere and the dirt was piled in stacks. There was broken wood structures and barricades everywhere on the field. Guns scattered the ground next to large slabs of rotting meat. The sides of the field was scattered with random barricades and I swear I saw rats.

"Great," I muttered in response. Brock let a slight chuckle escape his lips before returning to his look of disgust.

Evan stood up tall in front of us puffing out his chest. "This," he breathed out, "is The 1650 Field where you are doing your mission today. Don't try and memorize the field since it changes everyday. Think of your mission as life or death and follow your group leader-"

"Who's the group leader?" I asked Brock as quiet as I could.

"Marcel," Brock replied louder than a whisper causing Evan to stop talking.

"Soldier, why are you interrupting me?"

"I was just telling Jonathan-" Evan cut Brock off.

"Telling him something while I am talking?"

Brock visibly started sweating, "I-I um, M-Moo Marcel um,"

"Did you just call me Moo?" Marcel asked Brock a little offended.

"No! I just- well... maybe. Sorry," Brock replied to Marcel rubbing his neck awkwardly.

"Back in line Marcel. You too, Moo." Evan mocked.

Snickers rippled through the group of us.

"Like Moo said, Marcel is the leader of this mission being the one with the most experience. Follow his lead and you should be fine. If you aren't, well, you didn't follow his lead." Evan looked at me through his sunglasses, "Ok. Begin."




~ 1190 words ~

Sorry this is slightly shorter... I just wanted to end it on a little cliff hanger haha. Thanks for reading friends :) Let me know if you noticed any grammatical errors or anything like that! This book is really helping me get back into writing and I'm so happy about it!

QOD: Do you have any pets? If you do, what kinds? <3

AOD: I have 7 animals at the moment. I have 4 cats named Smush, Mush, Tee, and Rex. I have 1 dog named Stella who is a boxer. And lastly, I have 2 hamsters named Peach and Daisy!

Wait For Me // H2OVanoss // BBS Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz