Chapter 1

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Baileys POV- BaileyKoury

  There I was. Lying on the floor of the hospital room. I couldn't believe he was gone. The love of my life, the guy I wanted to spend the rest of my life with was gone! 

                                                         *flashback to 8th grade*

*still baileys pov*

    I moved to a new school today. It was pretty good. Heres my schedule

1st: Math

2nd: Chemistry

3rd: Foods

4th: Lunch

5th: World History

6th: Writing

7th: Free Period

     During 1st block, I saw a cute guy.  I tried not stare but I couldn't help it. He was just so darn cute.  The teacher then made me introduce myself. After the bell rang and I ran out of the room as fast as I could. I didn't want to see the cute guy than me embarrass myself. There was no way in Hell that was going to happen. I hurried to put my things in my locker. IT WOULDN"T UNLOCK!!!!!!! The cute guy saw me! Oh No this is going to be bad. 

H: Hey you need help??

B: Yes, thank you so much!

H: I am Weston by the way. 

B: I am Bailey. Nice to meet you Weston!

W: Hey wanna sit together on the bus after school?

B: Wait, you ride my bus??

W: Ya bus 11 right????

B: Yea! Sure sounds like a plan. 

W: Great see you then!

B: Wait, Weston?!

W: Yea............

B: What's your next class?

W: Uh

B: Me too! 

W: Well that's just great let me walk you there then!

B: Okay thank you!

       Weston and I walked to Chemistry together and everyone just stared. Weston was the cutest guy in the school and I felt so lucky to walk with him!

When we got to Chemistry my phone buzzed. It was a text from some number it read............


hehe you love me Bailey so don't even complain

Im sorry: Weston KouryWhere stories live. Discover now