Chapter 2

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"Who is Sombra?"


The Princesses and Lunar returned as quickly as they could to Canterlot after the Summer Sun Celebration.

"Are you sure that is what you saw?" Luna asked worriedly after Dusk told the both of the mares his vision.

Dusk, who was still posing as Dullen, frowned and nodded his hooded head.

"I fear King Sombra will return." Celestia muttered quietly as the three ponies made their way to Luna's temporary room. "Aye, sister." Luna agreed crawling into bed.

"Rest Luna, Dusk and I will do some research." The elder reassured.

"When I wake, I want to speak with you my child." The younger said sleepily. "Yes mother." Dusk replied as he followed his aunt to her personal study.

"Celest, I will ask again, who is Sombra?" The colt asked annoyed.

Celestia sighed and looked down. "King Sombra was a pony of darkness who ruled the Crystal Empire of the north. Luna and I fought against him and his armies for years until we finally sealed him away with the Empire disappearing as well." She said.

"What does he have to do with me?" The colt asked.

"We believed that you were his heir. We weren't too sure because Luna found you in the snow on the outskirts of the nonexistent borders. Over time we watched your power grow and it is very similar to Sombra." Celestia admitted.

Dusk stood there; shocked, confused, angry, so many emotions took over.

Finally, a tear ran down his cheek.

"Is that the main reason why you don't me to use my magic much? You are afraid of me turning into him?" Dusk choked out.

"I meant well, Lunar Dusk. Luna and I love you very much, so much that I don't know what my life would be like without you. Luna gave you her blood and power so you can live. I am proud to call you my nephew." The now crying princess admitted.

She walked over to Dusk and pulled him into a tight hug as they both cried silently.

Dusk didn't know how long he was in his aunt's embrace, but he did know that he must of cried himself to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2019 ⏰

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