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Namjoon scowled as he heard footsteps following him. Still.

Finally he had had enough of this and turned around. "Stop following me! I told you I want to be left alone, I don't need some immune freak stalking me until the day I die." The other boy faked hurt and put a hand over his heart.

Namjoon rolled his eyes in annoyance and continued walking. They had been walking for a couple hours now, Namjoon guessed it was around late afternoon. He wasn't sure if it was the heat from the blazing sun or the fact this kid was practically walking on his heels that was causing him to feel on the brink of insanity. Perhaps it was both.

"You still haven't told me your name."

"Because I don't want to."

The boy pouted – which Namjoon didn't see – and quickened his stride to catch up with the other. Namjoon made sure there was a gap between them as they walked and cursed under his breath. This wasn't what he expected nor wanted when he helped the boy the night before. Maybe he should have left the kid outside to fend for himself.

As they continued to walk down the abandoned highway Namjoon noticed a turn off. It was starting to become dark and he knew it was their best option to find some sort of town to take refugee in if they wanted to survive the night.

He mentally slapped himself. They? No, just him. Once they find a town they will take separate ways to find shelter and that will be that.

The boy hadn't said anything for a while now and he turned his head to notice the other looked deep in thought, though still carefully following Namjoon.

Luckily he was right about the town and was pleased to see many abandoned cars and shops to take shelter in. If he was even luckier than maybe he would find some supplies to stock up on. A faint sunset was lying on the horizon and he knew it wouldn't be long until they came out.

He turned to see the boy looking at him expectedly. "So, where are we headed now? Maybe into that Pharmacy?" He pointed over to a corner shop and offered Namjoon a small smile.


The boy's smile faltered. He tilted his head to the side – making him look like a lost puppy – as he gave Namjoon a questioning stare. "W-What?"

"I told you I want to travel alone. That means no place for you-"


"I don't care for your name." Namjoon immediately cut him off. He ran a hand through his hair and sighed. Everything was already stressful enough, why did this have to happen? "Just leave, please. It will be easier for both of us."

Namjoon made his way to the shops and was began walking down an alley way to get to the back streets – hoping there would be some undamaged cars – before he was pushed against the brick wall of a building. "What are you-"

"Do you really think that? Do you really think that it would be better to be alone in this god forsaken world?! Majority of the population has already been fucking wiped out and even with the little chance of actually meeting another human being, you want to throw it away?" The boy stared up at him, Namjoon only now noticing the slight height difference between the two. "What's with you-"

The boy was cut off when Namjoon shifted from his grasp and turned them around, this time pushing the boy against the brick wall. Before he could even open his mouth Namjoon had placed the palm of his hand against his mouth.

Suddenly a low growling noise was heard around the corner and only now did the two realise how late it was. Shuffling of dirty newspapers and gravel underfoot was all that was heard and the two stared at each other in fear.

Namjoon slowly took his hand away from the others mouth and took hold of his wrist. He gently pulled the other away from where the noise was coming from – doing their best to not make a sound so they wouldn't alert it.

They turned the corner but stopped in their tracks as they saw more creatures wandering around the back parking lot.


The two looked for a way to escape but there was nothing close enough without them alerting the creatures. Namjoon ran a hand through his hair. If this kid hadn't distracted him then they wouldn't be in this mess.

He gently tugged on Namjoon's wrist and tilted his head to the right. Across the parking lot was a wide open door, just begging for them to enter. They both knew this could end in total failure but it looked much safer than out here.

They exchanged looks before nodding. There were only a few walking around the area but they were fast. So once they were noticed. They had to act fast.

Namjoon took a few steps past the boy, making sure that the other was behind him, as he slowly made his way to the door. They stayed close to the ground and did their best to not be seen in the shadows. Namjoon looked over his shoulder at the boy but stopped in his tracks when a cracking down echoed across the parking lot.

He looked down to see the boy had accidently stepped on some glass from a broken alcohol bottle. Growling erupted from the creatures throats and Namjoon gulped. He took a hold of the boys upper arm and sprinted towards the door, forcefully pulling the boy with him.

With just a second to spare they made it through the door and slammed the door shut. The creatures growled and scratched at the door as they leaned against it.

The strands of silver light that the moon cascaded through the windows, they were able to see they were probably in the employees room of a convenience store. He just hoped that there were no more of them in the main area.

He slid down the door and rested his head in the palm of his hands. "Namjoon..."

The boy hummed, indicating that he heard him, before sliding down the door to join him. He gently tugged at Namjoon's hands so they were looking at each other. He offered Namjoon a small smile.


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