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Namjoon watched as rays of light from the sun began to pour in from under the door. Himself nor Seokjin had moved from their position in front of the door that night, wanting to make sure no creatures were able to push their way into the small building. Luckily it seemed as though there were no creatures loitering inside either, as from the mere smallest sound would have alerted them to the two boy's location.

Now that the sun was up he felt it was time to move on, perhaps get some supplies needed before heading back onto the road. It was dangerous to stay in the same spot for too long. He felt slightly bad when he looked to the side to see Seokjin resting his head of Namjoon's shoulder, somehow looking quite comfortable in the awkward position, Namjoon nearly stopped himself from waking up the boy.

Seokjin groaned as he was shook awake and blinked his eyes tiredly before sending a small grin to Namjoon. In response, Namjoon forced a smile on his face - he still wasn't too sure about this whole situation.

"We need to find some supplies... We're running low on water." Namjoon whispered keeping his voice low.

The other simply nodded in agreement, choosing to keep himself quiet on the off chase that they weren't actually alone.

Namjoon stood up first before stretching - sighing in relief when he felt his stiff bones crack and pop - Seokjin quickly coping him.

It looked as though Namjoon was right when he thought they were in the employee section of a convenience store. Hopefully they were alone and they would be able to stock up on food and water before leaving the area quickly.

He motioned for Seokjin to follow him as he made his way to the door that led to the store, hesitantly reaching for the door handle. A curse left his lips as Seokjin gently nudged him - urging him to hurry the hell up - and he had to control himself not to turn around and smack the shorter boy.

The door creaked open and he hoped that no one heard as he stepped through the door way. Luckily it looked as though were no creatures or humans. He didn't need some other ditz following him around everywhere.

He stood wide-eyed as Seokjin suddenly walked passed him and down one of the food aisles. A string of curses fell from his mouth and he swiftly walked after the boy.

"What are you doing?!" Seokjin looked at him confused before picking up a can of peaches.

"What do you mean 'what am I doing'? I'm looking for food."

"We don't even know if it's safe yet! You can't just walk around carelessly like this!"

Seokjin clicked his tongue as he placed the can in his small backpack that Namjoon had only noticed he had now. "I'm immune."

Namjoon had to stop himself from smacking the boy again. He was really starting to get on his nerves now. "That doesn't mean you can't be fucking eaten alive! That just means you can't turn into one of those vile things!"

At this point Namjoon was practically yelling and Seokjin had to cover his mouth so he wouldn't let out a chuckle from the irony that the other was saying.

Namjoon continued to lecture him which caused Seokjin to do the only thing he knew would shut him up. He kissed him.

As he pulled away a smile twitched at his lips when he saw Namjoon's flustered and bright red face.

"You can't just carelessly make so much noise. They might hear you." Seokjin gently whispered before walking off to find more food.

Namjoon just stood there in shock. That was definitely not what he was expecting. He coughed awkwardly and looked around, it seemed as though his unexpected outburst hadn't alerted anyone so it seemed as though they were safe.

He looked back to where Seokjin was and saw that the boy was pouting over the expiration date of some chips. He lightly chuckled at him before turning around and looking for some bottled water.

As he arrived to the aisle he noticed a blood trail leading down near the bottles. He didn't really wish to turn the corner to see what was there and contemplated turning around to grab Seokjin and leave but stopped himself. He would get this over and done with, whatever the situation was.

He felt bile rise in his throat as he noticed a dead body lying on the ground, looking as though the person had only died last night, perhaps before Seokjin and himself arrived. But what disgusted him even more was the one creature that was currently ripping flesh from the poor person's stomach.

He carefully took out his gun and aimed it towards the creature, aim focused it's head. As he was about to pull the trigger, Seokjin's voice rang throughout the store and the creatures head whipped up to look at Namjoon.


He saw Seokjin come out from one of the aisles at the corner but kept his focus on the thing before him. The creature rose to it's feet and Namjoon's hands began to shake. Never once had he had to use the gun and he really didn't want to. So of course he wasn't good at it.

Suddenly it began running at him at top speed and he felt himself freeze in place. Sweat formed on his brow as the creature came closer and he willed himself to pull the trigger but he couldn't do it.

Just as it was about to reach him he was pushed out of the way and a piercing scream hit his ears. As he hit the floor he opened his eyes to see the creature atop of Seokjin, it's jaw clenched around the boy's forearm, blood spilling from the growing wound. 

He saw the gun in front of him but he sat there frozen. He wanted to help. He wanted to save Seokjin but every fibre in his being refused to move and it felt like his brain wasn't in control of his body anymore.

Then Seokjin reached for the gun instead and put the barrel to the creatures head before pulling the trigger. Blood splattered against the two boy's faces and bodies though was worse to Seokjin. It was impossible to tell which was Seokjin's blood and which was the creatures.

Finally Namjoon felt himself relax, though still quite shook up, and he wobbled his way over to Seokjin. He lifted his arm and grimaced at the deep wound, thick blood oozing out of it.

"I-It's okay... I'm im-immune... Remember..." Seokjin voice trailed off throughout his sentence and Namjoon knew the adrenaline was probably draining from his body and he was soon going to go into a state of shock, most likely from the intense pain.

Even though his body still felt as though it was made of jelly he helped the shorter boy to his feet before picking him up bridal style. "Come on, let me clean you up..."

I feel as though Wattpad had been really dry lately, there has been hardly any updates come in from the books I'm reading. Do I have to make up for this with updating all my books frequently ;o;

Also please check out my two got7 fics if you haven't. I have markson 'HELP ME' and 2jae 'PRETTY PRETTY,' I should be updating those in the next couple days

infected -namjin-Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя