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Since I wrote another quick chapter today, I decided to upload it today itself because if I keep on delaying then I won't get time later. So enjoy this chapter. Also vote and comment your views on it.


The third floor of the Climax Mall was full of kids' shops. I wanted to skip this floor and go to the next floor but I was just curious to see the things they displayed here. So I started touring around, looking at the different kids' wear they kept, shoes, toys, and games. I smiled at how the designers of these cute things thought in the children's point of view and made such pretty little things. So many parents were buying various things for their kids, even for babies. My feet took me involuntarily towards a toy shop. There were beautiful display of small and big toys of different colors. I took a set of plastic keys and admired it for a bit. I giggled when I saw so many other beautiful toys in the store.

A small baby's cry made me look in that direction.

But what I saw was not so pleasant and refreshing.

Holding the tiny tot was a lady whom I hated with all my being, Tressa. Standing beside her was the man with whom I sketched a whole fairytale future, Terrance.

My blood was boiling inside me looking at the sight in front of me. I wanted to rip her throat right now and take my boyfriend away from her. But I couldn't.

Because he was no longer my boyfriend. He did not care for me like I cared for him.

Because he seemed to be happy with his little family around him. He was making funny faces at the babe while she was rocking it slowly in her arms.

I knew that he got married but I hadn't known that he got a baby too.

Judging from the looks, I guessed that it was a baby boy.

Tears immediately made way down my cheeks and I turned away from the sight. I walked and walked until I reached the far end of the parking lot and that's when I let out all my bottled feelings. I cried and cried and cried until I felt nothing but numb.

My mind became empty of all thoughts except one.

The breakup day.

I went to meet him straight from school. I was suffering from stomach pain and vomiting from the past couple of days. Since my parents had gone for an important meeting in Delhi, I was left alone at home. I had a disturbing thought coming to my mind again and again but I was pushing the thought away.

But two days back, I couldn't take the cramps in my stomach and legs. Lately, my periods also stopped. Hence I went to the nearby government hospital instead of family doctor because I was feeling ashamed of it.

The doctors did the pregnancy test for me and the disturbing thought which was troubling me came true.

I was only 17 and I was pregnant.

My entire mind was in a chaos. I, who usually would be fun loving and happy-go-lucky, now started experiencing serious type of feelings. I started to think more seriously about the future, started to get worried what would happen in the near future as well as felt happy that I had 'him' by my side every time.

So I thought that it would be better if I told him about this thing.

But today he was not in a mood of talking to me. He was distracted by something and that was bothering me. Usually he would kiss me or hug me but today he kept a safe distance from me.

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