Chapter 2

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Author's Note: Hello, continuing to write this story. I've got  a million ideas for the ending. I hope you will enjoy this well, action packed chapter.

 "You will tell me every thing that happened during your time as a spy," A man roared and with each word he turned the volts on a dial.

"No you will never hear a word of what we did," Alexis said as calmly as he could, he was trying to hold his patience from this man. He was screaming in agonizing pain, he thought as long as he could hold his pain he would live.

"I'm giving you five seconds, 5, 4 ,3 ,2 ,1, my name is Niky and you are stuffed," Niky softly replied as he jabbed in the five thousand volts of electricity into Alexis's stomach. 

"Aaah!" Alexis screamed in agony, his stomach was fine but his mind could not take this amount of psychological warfare. They had glued his eyes to a screen with the worst forms of violent videos of people being decapitated and mutilated. 

"You will answer now or your friend will be killed," Niky grumbled at Alexis. Niky wanted to slowly destroy Alexis and his genius of a friend Boris. He had to complete his father's final wish of destroying them.

"Okay, stop, stop I will tell you what happened," Alexis pleaded he was in a such a bad state he could not backtrack to what happened in the last few days. Knocked out and abducted, this day was going to only get better.

"Alright, keep going and start talking, if you want I can get you a beer an Arany beer," Nicky whispered mockingly with a pistol in his hand.

"I don't want your crap Hungarian shit," Alexis racistly screeched at Nicky. It was not his normal self, he was a polite diplomat that obeyed the rules and regulations. 

"Screw you," Niky said abruptly as he slapped Alexis, "start talking now."

At this moment in time Alexis could not take it. He was mad and now was going mental, if he played this correctly he could get out of this dark room. He glanced behind him and saw his friend Boris being zapped with electricity every time he woke up from being unconscious. It was only him and Niky here. He would have to wait for his chance. He had a plan and he knew how to utilize it. 

"Start talking, you vile piece of crap," Niky mocked as he smiled wickedly.

"First why do you want to know, it is not as if your life depends on it?" Alexis asked as he moved his side to side dizzily.

"It was my fathers wish because his grandfather set the task for him to complete. He never did it so I am going to complete it. My uncle is the one going to know. My father, uncle and grandfather were the men of the streets affected by you," Niky cruelly snarled as he circled around Alexis.

"Well if you dragged me here for a purpose, I certainly hoped it wasn't for a lecture," Alexis mocked smiling.

"Your insolence will pay," Niky snarled.

"We were the men of the Unity Ring in Hungary, there was a rebellion over the Iron curtain and we needed to defuse it, but by doing so we caused a problem. The gangs of Budapest rebelled over the Iron curtain and that was when we knew our mission was to come. If your grandfather was part of the Budacart revolution well I killed him and personally," Alexis explained with a sigh, he knew he was going to reveal it at some point. He may as well take the pain now.

"You what?" Niky roared slamming his fist into Alexis' face.

"Heh you don't know anything, how old are you? Your like a twenty year old wannabe articulate kid. You think you can send your puny gang after the Russia, think again," Alexis said as he spat at Niky face.

"Insolence, won't get you anywhere and that was my grandfather you son of a..." Niky said, SLAM! Niky fell to the ground and Alexis stood up with his chair tied to him. Jumping on top of Niky broke the chair.

"That'll teach you to mess with me," Alexis muttered under his breath. After getting the last rope tied on him off he went over to Niky's unconscious body and took the gun. He raised the gun but a twitch made him hesitate something from his past snapped and he lowered it. Instead, he gagged him. 

Lifting Boris he ran out of the dark and stinking room. He saw a metal door with a latch. He figured that he was in a safe house of a gang he wasn't sure of. Holding his gun in one had and having Boris on his shoulder made him look suspicious. Alexis heard whispering over on the other side of the dingy corridor. Looking at his tight surroundings he stepped into an unknown room. 

"We better go check on our boss if he is done interrogating those Russians," A man said.

"Nah let's go somewhere else, I'm getting sick down here," A reply came, as they went there voices slowly diminished.

"What's the time?" 

Stunned, Alexis dropped Boris and turned round instinctively with a gun raised in his hand.

"Why'd you drop me genius," Boris laughed.


Author's Note: I hope you enjoyed this chapter. More action pack chapters coming tomorrow or later in the week. A lot of dialogue but the dialogue's going to pay off in the later chapters where you'll learn more about Alexis' dark past and who Niky actually is. Boris and Alexis' friendship will show how far they will go for each other. Just a sneak peek. 

One last thing, I plan to have this novella have about five to ten chapters. 


Arany: Arany was a historical figure in Hungary's history and so many things are named after him. One of which a beer.

Budacart: I made that up.

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