Chapter 3

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Author's Note: Well, after a nice storm of votes and reads last night, I'm updating this earlier than usual, I hope I pass the first two elimination rounds. Please comment what you think about it so far.  Please excuse the occasional swearing but I assure you that it isn't as rude as other stories. One more thing before getting mad at me for so many spelling mistakes, please remember that the errors are from the Hungarian names. Thanks for reading. :D

Rage boiled in Niky's blood, he felt different. He had never felt this before. He had never felt the feeling of such rage. All through his great life, he had led a carefree life relaxing in the Mediterranean on various luxury cruise ships. He know had felt a desire, a desire, a desire to kill...

"Aaaaahhh!" Niky screamed forcing his eardrums to explode as he clenched his fists. Pulling himself up, he moved his hands around searching for his gun. He cursed and told himself that it was that bastard that did it. he ruined your family and your nice life. Kill, Niky kill, use your bloodlust. Motivating himself, he got up and stormed out of the room. 

"Niky, with all due respect, I understand that you are the neph..." Zoltan Tibor, one of Niky's uncle's most trusted men.

"Shut up, bring me some men, a gun, a beer, goulash and my uncle," Niky cut him of. At the moment Niky could not care about the world, he was locked in on one man: Alexsis. 

"Okay, I will tell him to meet you in five minutes," Zoltan started.

"No now," Niky screamed and he stormed of towards his uncles office like area.


Slamming the door open, Artur Gaspar was not expecting Niky to come barging in. The dark walls around the room gave it a feel of death. Although the snooker table and liqueur bar destroyed the powerful image. 

"So, how did your interrogation operation undertake?" Artur mocked, looking at his nephew covered in blood and dirt. 

"Not, funny. I need more men and a RPG squad," Niky demanded, slamming his fist on his Artur's tale.

"You don't have pure Gaspar blood, if you were one you would behave royal and noble even with our gang the Olcotavia," Artur snickered towards Niky.

"I won't fail this time," Niky pleaded going on his knees. 

 "Fine, get up and let the game of cat and mouse begin. First we need to secure our underground safe house I don't think they have gotten far. Then we will hunt them down through the city," Artur shouted and Zoltan screamed and agreed with him.

"Zoltan, rally the men for war, we're going to show them who's boss, before you go Niky I want to initiate you into the gang, " Artur calmly said and ran sat back down.

Artur spent a few minutes initiating Niky to the gang, as usual he would start low as a low member but they struck a deal, if he could get Alexsis and could finally uncover the secret there gang would reign supreme and Artur's grandfather's final wish could be complete. 

"Okay, your in the gang, but you better be worthy for the gang. We'll tattoo you later on your back," Artur explained as he finished initiating Niky into the gang.

They slowly walked downstairs and were shocked at what happened. Hearing footsteps to the side they both looked over and saw Zoltan running with about fifty gangsters all drunk and woosy. 

"Where are all the others, we should have at least on the premises a hundred men, there is only half here and they are all drunk," Artur shouted to Zoltan.

"Sorry but they are all drunk and knocked out. I couldn't wake them up," Zoltan explained pleadingly.

"Don't worry, I'll wake them up," Artur said with a smile as he pulled out something from his jacket, it was a button. He pressed it and the sirens began to wail.


For the next ten minutes the safe house was pandemonium, the drunk and tired men woke up and ran to attention at the exit. Artur smiled at Zoltan and mouthed: it always works. Once everyone was ready and in attention, Artur gave them a morale prep boost, separating them into three groups. One to be lead by Zoltan, Artur and of course Niky. 

Shouting out instructions, Zoltan organized them into three groups bearing weapons and body armour. The gangsters waited for the word until they could run on to the trucks and jeeps to begin hunting them down. Before Zoltan's group headed out they were going to put the building in lock down. 

Niky's group ran out to the jeeps and trucks and begun heading out to Castle Hill one of the most visited tourist destinations. Niky travelled in a jeep hiding the guns and equipment underneath their seats. There also was a truck full of gang members travelling behind them. The man next  to Niky was rough and vulgar. 

"So, your in the gang," a man drawled clearly drunk as he smiled at Niky.

"Shut the hell up, I'm driving," Niky abusively said to the drunk guy.

Ring! Ring! Ring! 

"Hello? Who is it?" Niky started as he pulled to the side of the road. 

"Zoltan, throw this phone away once your done, our inside person tells us that their at Castle Hill calling some KGB guys,"

"What?" Niky was startled, he started driving again and threw his phone over the edge of the winding path. 

After driving for a few more minutes they were at the top of Castle Hill. Niky hopped out and drew out an AK47 out and shouted to all the people at the top as did the truck door smashed open. 

"Everyone drop everything out of their hand and put your hands on your head," Niky screamed waving his gun in the air. He nodded towards the other gangsters and smiled towards the other men.

"Alexsis and Boris, get here other wise I swear to god I will blow these tourists piece of shit brains," Niky shouted firing a few shots in the air.


Author's Note: Thanks for reading another, chapter of this story. Like usual if you find any mistakes of spelling or grammar please comment. So far so good, I plan to have this story seven chapters long. 

One Day In Budapest (Novella)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora