Chapter 5

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Author's Note: Thanks for reading the previous chapter, sorry that took a long time, I will try and update all my works and edit (hopefully) within two days of the previous update, so you can be kept up to date with my works. So sit back and enjoy the read! :D

Note: This chapter is slightly gory with a violent scene towards the end. Under 13's do not read this chapter.

"Shoot those men down and make sure not a single one survives!" Niky screamed as he charged firing two AK-47's screaming insults and abuse towards Alexsis and Boris.

Gangsters from Niky's side fired rapidly, surprised by the fact that there was no resistance they let down their guard and all but Niky stopped firing cheering with a joy. Niky new it was hopeless and he ran back before he would get hit.

"Now is our chance, Anastasia here's a gun, squeeze the trigger to fire," Boris explained.

BANG!!! BANG!!! BANG!!! Alexsis began firing picking of targets easily with his sniper rifle, within seconds Boris and Anastasia gave covered Alexsis to sprint to the SUV. 

"I have to do this, if I fail Boris dies, he can't live without me," Alexsis thought as he build up his courage to run through the barrage of fire. Alexsis took the cover fire as chance to run through, he noticed that the tourists on the hill were scatered the ones nearest to Niky's side were taken and rounded up, the ones nearest to the sides fled without there belongings. 

Rounds of fire demolished the SUV, Alexsis cowered in fear behind the door, he smashed the window open and unlocked the car. Rummaging around, he searched for his gun. In a few swift motions Alexsis swiped his gun out and started firing demolishing the Niky's side of gangsters. 

"Ah shit, get in to the trucks and run them over," Niky shouted giving orders, to the gangsters, they filed out jumping into the trucks, they threw out the hostages that they had taken.

Niky hoped into his jeep and picked up a sniper rifle, he scoped in and was about to hit Boris in the face but stopped as someone was calling him on his radio. He received the message and replied:

"Who the hell is it now!" Niky screeched

"Calm ya farm, it's Zoltan we are on our way we saw the battle go down, not so well and so we secured the base," Zoltan replied calmly.

"Well you are really an idiot, I could have killed one of them," Niky shouted.

"Okay, well chase them down and well have them by their necks!" Zoltan replied cheerfully,

Niky smashed his radio and slammed on his accelerator and sped off giving chase to the fleeing SUV.


"Okay we need to get out," Boris started as his mouth dropped, he took a deep breath, "and really quickly." 

"Yes we do," Alexsis said quietly, he was wondering how he got to this situation being surrounded by vehicles on all sides with nowhere to go.

In a moment Zoltan pulled out his gun and fired the car sending causing a big explosion, the time elapsed, during that moment, Alexsis had a brain wave. His car was up in flames and he was not able to live to see another day. Anastasia leaped out of the car and tumbled slowly down the hill watching the car burn and crash at the bottom of the hill. She smiled to herself and slowly stood up.


"Wake up, you guys are going to die, I will torture you until I learn about what happened!" Niky screamed in a megaphone put up to Boris' ear. 

"Ahhh, I swear to god I will hunt you down and kill you!" Boris cursed as he spat at Niky's face. This was returned by a ferocious slap .

"No, you won't! By the way how did you feel when you worked out that Anastasia was a traitor?" Niky mocked smiling as Anastasia stepped out from the shadows. 

"What the hell? Anastasia is that true? Is that reason why you did it for money?" Boris accusingly said trying to bake free, this was followed by a huge fist to the face. 

"I'm not Anastasia, I'm Lamia an international bounty hunter with many disguises, I am born with evil raised by darkness..." 

"Yeah I don't really care" Boris interrupted as Anastasia or Lamia as she claimed she was. She riped of her mask and what lay before her was a gory, mutilated and scarred face. Boris shreiked with terror and fell back on his chair, with this Niky as abusive as he always was and stomped over him.

"I have good battle scars, scars that show I am a true warrior," Lamia smiled, only at that moment Boris noticed his surroundings he was in.

The room was dark, small and smelled revolting, the stench made Boris nauseated, he looked around his surroundings there were many torture devices on the table next to him with grotesque devices on them, they involved pliers, a bloodied chainsaw, pliers and some other items. He searched around looking for Alexsis, but he could not find them.

"Where's Alexsis?" Boris asked demandingly as he struggled with the ropes tied around him.

"He is almost dead, he needs life support to live, if you do not tell us everything that happened at the secret mission you under went at the Budacart revolution," Lamia threatened setting up a voice recorder.

"Okay, I'll start talking, when the gangs of Budapest started revolting against the Iron Curtain Russia feared one thing that Budapest would be lost from there power. That's when I come in Alexsis and I were low time KGB agents operating in Budapest. Then the revolution begun, the gangs united ended all turf war and fought the Iron Curtain, Russia could not send soldiers in so they used Alexsis and I, we worked hard destroying there supplies and sabotage. 

One day everything changed your gang the name which I forget, your grandfather Niky, who was the one that was organised the dark side of the operation, the vicious murders, we caught him and executed him. We were compromised as we were caught, leaving our colleage Vladimir dead as well as your grandfather. That's it, that's all you need to know." Boris explained as he closed his eyes, he did not want to relive the horrible memories.

"That's it?" Niky asked slamming his fist, he picked up a pair of pliers and began clipping it, slowly bringing to Boris' mouth.

"Stop it, that's the truth!" 

"What that's bullshit, he isn't," Niky exclaimed as he turned around.

"Leave him alone, now we kill his friend, in front of him," Artur flatly said as two people dragged in an awake Alexsis.

"Beat him up," Niky ordered to the two men.

Alexsis was thrashed badly, Alexsis felt so bad he felt like the urge to vomit but before he could do anything he was tied up to a chair and given two thousand volts of electricity pumped into his chest.


Author's Note: Thanks for reading, do any of you actually read this? Dedicated to IAmNight. Don't worry @Phloxus your dedication is coming. 

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Feb 21, 2014 ⏰

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