Chapter 4

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Author's Note: Unfortunately, I didn't make it very far into the competition as I had hoped but I congratulate those who did, especially @wolfluvermh, her story was really good. You should check it out, it's called Checkmate. Anyway I hope you enjoy this chapter and thanks for the support. 

"Shit, Boris what the hell is he doing here," Alexsis shouted at Boris as all hell broke loose.

"I don't know but we've been betrayed that's for sure," Boris replied...

20 Hours Earlier

Running with a gun and a key in his hand Alexsis had his mind blown ten times over in the last few hours, he did not know who he could trust. Boris was the only one he knew and could actually trust with his life. 

"What the hell happened?" Boris whispered to Alexsis. 

'It's a long story but here's what happened, it has to do with our service with KGB in order to prevent the Budacart revolution," Alexsis explained as quick as he could.

"I see so what about it exactly?" Boris asked curious.

"No time for questions, let's just get out of here," Alexsis exclaimed and continued walking  forward in the long seemingly endless sewage tunnel, being extremely careful in the dark and revolting tunnel. 

"Okay, okay," Boris replied frustrated and kept walking, he was curious on what exactly they wanted to know. All he knew was that Alexsis was hiding something.

They trudged on trying to find an exit. The smell was overwhelming and within fifteen minutes Boris wanted a break. 

"Please we have to stop I feel so tired I can't keep going, please," Boris pleaded as he began to sit down.

"Fine but just a short ten minute one," Alexsis grumbled miserably. 

"Has he changed? The last time I remembered him he was more pleasant than now. Maybe presidency has a made him different or maybe the fact that he's startled," Alexsis thought as he sat down on the edge without worrying about the sewage.

They sat down for a few more minutes but soon enough they were up and about. Trudging on Boris kept quiet until they came to a ladder. 

"Alright let's go," Boris exclaimed as he leaped onto the rungs.

As soon as they left the sewage they needed to find a place to change and get ready. No money could be found in their pockets so they decided to for the greater good to steal from a shop.

"Walk slowly to the convenience store and take the shopkeeper in a headlock," Boris instructed to Alexsis.

"Okay but I don't want to harm anyone," Alexsis whispered as he checked his guns ammunition stock.

"Put your gun towards the man's head," Boris continued

"I won't shoot," Alexsis persistently whispered.

"No you won't, that's the whole point, we don't want to create a large scene," Boris continued as he looked around for any eavesdroppers.

"Hey, what these malicious men are planning to rob this store," A bystander called out loud and clear.

"Shit, we need to go now," Alexsis whispered as he ran. Before he left the shot, he fired a shot and ran.

Boris tripped and fell to the ground, and was held back by some other bystanders. 

"Help me Alexsis!" Boris screamed as he was being viciously mobbed by the people.

Hearing his friend crying for his life Alexsis ran in and raised his gun and fired. AAAH!!! AAAH!!! The people screamed and cried. Taking advantage of the situation, Alexsis ran to the cashier and took out bundles of cash. In the meantime, Boris lifted himself up and ran out of the door."

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