Part 5

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You were still tied up and didn't know how long you been here maybe seven or ten hours. You mouth was cover because you didn't stop screaming and making noise. You hear is foots step every time he walks but is been a while since you hear him so that makes you think that is night already and he probably sleeping plus you feel sleepy too, you can't do anything so you start to sleep too.

-Hey wake up-You see him with two dog plate one with water and the other one with raw meat-I going to take that out of your mouth but if you start to scream I won't give you the food, understand?- You nod and he takes it off and untied your hands 

-What time is it?

-Is morning already- He sits down in a chair and you look at the plates 

-Why you brought water here and at least cook the meat- You hold the meat

-You not in a position to demand and you race eat meat like this or even worst they eat it when the poor animal is still suffering and dying slowly and seeing how the wolf eat them

You stay quiet and look at him angrily and then look at the meat, you were going to eat it but then he stands up and takes it away from you.


- You didn't say thank you, now say it

-Thank you for the food Kid now give it back

-Say it with a smile and saying, master

-HELL NO!!! I will never call you like that, I prefer to die of hunger

-You used to say that to the alpha and you told me he was little creepy but you won't tell  it to me

-And I regret it just thinking of it make me want to hit myself with a rock in the head but I stop when I was thirteen 

-I think you would have look very pathetic saying that to him

-Very pathetic it was something like this- You put your hands together and look up at him with a smile- Hello young master how are you-You say in a happy tone and you see him blush and he looks away

-Yea ...- He throws you the meat- I am back in a minute so finish eating that- He walks away and closed the door- She didn't look pathetic, she looks adorable- He put his hands in his face- Stop thinking like that 

You start to eat and think of the others, they probably looking for you and your parents must be worry if they found you, Kid will be I serious trouble. A while pass and he come in again and then he opens a different closet and inside of it there was a lot of different weapons and he takes out a shotgun.

-My grandma and I collect weapons-He point the shotgun at you-She teach me how to use them when I was little

-That the best hobby for a grandma and his grandson- You say sarcastically

-You grandpa teach you how to hunt since littler-He start to but bullet at the shotgun-So what the different?

-That I'm a wolf and is normal to get prepared when we littler

-You grandpa made you fight with a bear when you where seven I don't see that normal

-Well ... my grandpa always like to do things extreme

-Then my grandma and your grandpa are very savage

-Yea and what the hell you going to do whit that shotgun?

-Scare?-He walk toward you and point at you again with the shotgun-But don't worry if you behave well I won't shoot you

-Then are you going let me used the bathroom? because I need to go and take a shower

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