Part 12

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The two of you got enough sleep so your were ready to leave, you two were out in front of the door.

-Is was nice having some company-Brook say then he give you the flute-This is for you, you going to use it more than me

-Really? Thanks-You say with a smile

-Red riding hood-Kid look at him-Good luck-At first he didn't understand but then realize it

-Good luck for what?-You say

-Nothing-Kid blush-We should start going

-But ...

He grab your tail and start to make you walk, brook wave at you two. He let go of you tail and you follow him. You start to play the flute and he stay quiet listening to you and thinking how to confess to you, he really didn't know how to say it and if he get nervous he will say something stupid but he have to do it.

-(y/n)-He stop walking and you too then look at him


-I need to tell you something

-Is something wrong?

-No-He stare at you-Is that ... is something i been trying to avoid for years but in the end is impossible to ignore it

-Seriously what is it?-You say a littler worry

-Well ... i ...-He start to scratch the back of his head-You, me ... we ...

-Kid ...

-Shut up and give me a minuet-He say angry


You stay quiet and look at him thinking, he really didn't know how to say it. You suddenly hear the bushes moving and suddenly saw something small jump out and was going to take your flute but you hit it with it making it fall away.

-What the hell was that-Kid say 

-I don't know is look like a littler person, his was using a green hat and is look like is have a fluffy tail

-Are you sure?

-Ye...-Suddenly another one jump out and grab your flute and run away-MY FLUTE-You start to run 

-WAIT-Kid follow you-Is just a flute

-A flute that a living skeleton give me

You two keep running following it. That thing was littler but very fast, you were more faster in your wolf form and it would have been easy but you can't be so far away from Kid so you have to try and keep tract of that person. Suddenly another one jump toward you put you dodge it  and another one toward Kid but he grab it and look at it and is was like a bee or something.

-I got one-He say

-LET ME GO-She bite his hand but he didn't let go


His suddenly stop running and you two do the same. You look down at her and her hair and clothes was blue, she look worry.

-Don't hurt her, we sorry-She extend the flute toward you-We just wanted to give a gift to a friend

-But this is mine-You take the flute

-Bian, wicca-You see two more get out

-How many are you?-Kid say still holding Bian in his hand

-Can you let go of her please-He let go of her and she fly with difficulty toward her friends-My name is Leo and we really sorry but like Wicca say is was for a friend

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