Part 16

843 46 35

You two keep staring at each other but then smile and you two turn human then hug,you were still on top of him.

-Are you okay?-He say

-Yes-You say looking down at him-And what about you?

-I'm fine too

Suddenly Kid grab your arm and make you stand up. Law stand up too and see that you and Kid didn't have a shirt and see how close he was with you. They look at each other serious but then Killer appear too.

-No one is hurt so that a good sign-Killer say

-(y/n) explain now-Law say

-First of all why you two came together-Kid say and look at Killer

-A day after you left, your grandma was going to walk to her house to look for something but i offer to let me go instead so wen i arrive to the house he was standing in front of the door 

-I attack him and ask about (y/n) and told him how you look  and say he already saw you before

-So i thought that is was not coincidence that you left and she disappear at the same time so my conclusion was that you two leave together so i came too to help you

-That explain a lot-Kid say-Wait ... what about that thing that the old lady wanted? Did you give it to her?

-No but she probably stop waiting and already look for it herself

-Now your turn-Law say

-Well ...-You put your shirt on-He ...

-I kidnap her-Kid say interrupting you

-And you say it as if was something normal?-Law say angry and walk toward him but you got in front of him

-Calm down Law-You say

-You seriously asking me to calm down? And what the hell with the collar?

-I put it to her so she can't escape-Kid say

-But why?-Killer say

-I been seeing her all this years, wen i say i was going to the old lady house is was a lie, i was going to see her and fight 

-He was suppose to be my first human to kill but i fail and i was so angry that i go to see him again and told him to see us everyday for me to try and kill him

-Now i understand why you never let me go with you-Law sigh-But that don't explain why he took you away 

-Well ... he ...-Kid push you away and stare at Law

-I wont have let her get marry with you

-And why not?

-I love her and she love me too-Kid grab your hand and put it in front of Law face and Kid smirk-See that ring? I ask her to marry me and she accept-He let go of your hand-So i'm her new fiance that she really love 

-KID-You say a littler angry then look at Law-Give us a minute-You then push him away from Law-What the hell Kid?

-I told him why i did it

-That was not the correct way to say it-You sigh-I going to talk with him alone so you talk with your friend until we finish

-But ...-He see you staring at him serious-Okay go ahead

You and Law were talking and behind the two of you not so far away, there was Kid and Killer. Kid didn't stop looking at the two of you.

-Now everything make sense-Killer say-I always knew your were lying of where you going but never expect that is was to see her, why you never told me?

red riding hood (kid x wolf reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum