Part 7

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Is was getting late and you were still in your wolf form and you two have found nothing and nobody. You see him angry.

-I can ask for direction-You say

-To who? There nobody here

-I can ask animals

-Then why didn't you do it early-He look at you-We been walking for hours 

-I didn't feel like doing it-He was going to hit you but you dodge it-Look I see an owl I can ask him

-Do you think he would know?

-Then we can ask another animal

-Then hurry up-He see you talking to the owl and then you came back-So what he says?

-There a bad news and a good news,  the bad news is that he doesn't know any town near here

-Then was the good news?

-The good news is that he says there a house in that direction-You point- so we probably can ask there for direction

-At least we getting somewhere-You two starts to walk and a while pass and he looks at you-Are you sure that owl didn't trick us?

-The owl is the most trustful animals so there no problem 

-There always going to be at least one son of a bitch that not like the others

-Trust him a little, he wins nothing for doing that but if I have asked a crow then I won't have trust it so much do you want to know what other animal are trustworthy?

-No, because that won't work for me, I don't understand animals

-Okay, do you think we would find something worse than a witch?

-I hope not- You two suddenly stop wen saw the mansion-That not a house, that a fucking mansion and looks like is abandoned

-Then let see it is true

You turn human and you two walk toward the door but when you were going more closer you feel a little scare as if something what telling you not to go. He knocks the door but no one answer and he do it again three times, he sighs and then a raindrop fall on his face.

-Well there nobody here- You say-Is look like is going to rain soon so we better go look for a place to stay

-We already find the place to stay for tonight-He try to open the door

-Are you crazy?- You say-Let look for another place

-Why not here?-He look at you and saw that you look a littler scare-The littler puppy is scared?

-No, but ... we learn a good lesson today and is not enter to stranger house

-My mom used to say that when I was little

-Then let go- You where going to start to walk

-But I almost never do what she say-He kick the door and his open-Now let go inside

-Do you always have to do everything aggressive?- You sigh

-Come on-He take out a dog cookie- Who a good girl?

-I hate you so much

You walk past him ignoring the cookie then he closed the door. The place was dirty and is looking like no one has lived here in years. You see something up in the big stairs and you were starting to walk toward the stairs but Kid stops you.

-Don't you think is better to look at the first floor?-He say

-I don't really like this place 

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