chapter 1

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(so yea this is a re-write seeing as most of my works I made when I was in middle school and now all I do is cringe at them so yea im just gonna yolo with this so wish me luck -mya)

Hello my names (y/n) and well im in my third year of high school yep im a junior as crummy as that sounds, and I guess you could say I live a normal depressed teenage life. I wake up, go to school, come home, eat and then pass out.

but I wouldn't say I have a normal life anymore maybe we should start from the beginning? when it was my first day as a junior in high school.

this is my story of how I met chandler riggs and got caught up in fame and paparazzi. enjoy~


I groaned as i attempted to slam my small fist down onto my blaring alarm clock.


"Im up, Im up." I whispered as I crawled from the warmth of my bed.

I groggily walked from my bedroom to my nearby bathroom with clothes in hand. I quickly stripped off what pajamas I had on and stepped into the shower washing away what ever bits of sleep remained. as soon as I was finished i dried my hair and put on my clothes for the day. I looked at myself in the mirror.

"not bad if I do say so myself." I smiled at my reflection.

I had a simple gray sweater with black leggings and uggs but lets not forget the complementary beanie that pulled it all together.

I quickly whipped up some makeup. throwing on some mascara and a little foundation.


"yea, yea I heard you." I walked by grabbing my phone and bag. heading towards the door.

"ill see you after hell mom. love you bye bye." I practically rushed the words out of my mouth as I walked out of the door.

"bye sweetie have a fun first day back." I heard her say.

I sprinted towards the buss stop praying I wasn't late. by the time I made it the buss was pulling up. "thank you god" I mentally said to myself as I stepped onto the ugly yellow contraption of death.

soon before sitting down in my usual seat on the buss I got a notification on my phone, pulling it from my pocket I looked at the tiny screen.

-chandler riggs-
we will be shooting a new season in a small quiet town so I can attend school I hope they welcome me normally. #firstday

I tried to think in my head why I had followed him in the first place...oh yea thats right. He is an actor on the walking dead, I had used to be obsessed with it awhile back, buying comics, shirts everything you could imagine but after the death of Glenn I just couldn't bring myself to continue.

soon enough the bus had pulled up to the old brick school and I stepped off.


"hey Sammy long time no talk." I said grinning at my best friend.

"are you ready for another semester of hell?" she asked throwing get hands behind her head.

"...nope not really." i said popping the p.

"lets do this shiz."

(so that was my first chapter i hope it was better ;P)

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