chapter 5

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people began to rush into class probably hoping to sit near or next to chandler sadly for them he was in the corner and the only seats next to him was the one in front of him, and the one to his right. I was in the seat in front of him and Sam was next to him. I thought we had gotten lucky when I hadn't seen Marley walk into the class, I guess I spoke too soon...

"aw I feel bad for him, he's cornered by the two ugliest girls in school. Why dont the two of you move so we can sit." she gestured towards her and her friend.

"and why would we do that? we wouldn't want your fat ass to get stuck in the seat. why dont go and sit in one of the big girl chairs, if you know what I mean." I pointed to an extra sized chair in the room.

" I bet chandler things big butts are sexy unlike little nonexistent butts like yours! right chandler?" she asked her voice slickly sweet.

ew I might puke.

" actually I dont care. if the girl gots a good personality thats all that matters to me, an example of a good personality would be (y/n) she's shy but speaks her mind and she's like kinda person that would protect a friend, a bad example would be yours pretty in the outside ugly on the inside, who would want a girl that picks on the innocent and thinks everything goes her way? not me." chandler replied smoothly.

she scoffed and stomped away.

it wasn't even a minute after me and Sam started laughing our heads off.

"d-did you see that look on her face? it was PRICELESS!" I couldn't help myself

"that t-the first time she's never gotten her  way!!!" we laughed

"silence class! I am your science teacher, my name is Mr. beam I expect you turn in all your work on time this year and to have no disruptions." he kept blabbering on about do's and don'ts as though we were all five.

"you may do what you like till the period is up" he called out.

I turned around in my seat to talk to chandler and Sam.

"whats our next class?" he asked

"its um.." I pulled out my paper " we have gym then English then geometry and after that we go to lunch."

"sounds eash enough. I saw the gym on the way in."

" you were probably just gonna do easy warm ups and laps until the next class." I pondered the thought of being all sweaty and gross for English.

"I wonder if we can take showers after so were not all gross." I thought out loud.

" that would be nice oh! before I forget I wanted to ask for your number so we can maybe...hang out sometime or so we can text and stuff.." he looked down at his hands.

"sure I dont mind." and with that we scribbled our numbers down on paper and gave them to eachother little did we know someone was mentally shipping us and planning her next move to get us together. damn it Sam

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