Chapter 28

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Calla's PROV


Ring, Ring, Ring

URGH stupid phone, I pick up the cell and press accept.

"Alpha Calla, Who is this." Jeez, I have people calling me 24/7.

"Hello Alpha Calla, I am Alpha Carlos, I am the Alpha of Moon Stone pack and I was wondering if my family could come and visit your pack? We would LOVE to see how a female Alpha runs the place."

I sigh, why is everyone doubting me as an Alpha? Im amazing at it. Just yesterday Lucy, The older woman that cooked the big pack meal the day of my pack meeting, was having trouble with her daughters. Her daughter's name is Caroline and she's 15 turning 16 later this week, so Lucy was asking Caroline what she wanted her party to be like and she was being difficult... typical teenager stuff. Caroline said she didn't want a 'baby' party because when a wolf turns 16 they usually find their mate soon after. Lucy was having trouble with Caroline so I stepped in and made everything right. So todays Tuesday and Saturday will be her big sweet 16 bash! I cant wait to meet her mate! Lucy will be proud.

"Of course I don't mind you coming to visit Alpha Carlos, how many people in your family are you bringing, because ill get rooms set up?" I'll get Mary, she is Lucy's best friend in this pack and for some reason they do a lot of house work, so ill get her to do it, Mary is a dark haired, 45 year-old woman but she looks not a day over 30.

"I have two sons, there names are Jay and Eli, Jay is 17 and Eli is 15. Also I have two daughters, Jade and Harmony, they are twins and are 16 years old! My wife is coming also. I hope we aren't going to be a burden." I chuckle at the thought of that, this pack house is HUGE! Like over 900 rooms.

"Alpha Carlos, You and your family would never be a burden to my pack and I, you are no problem. I am looking forward to meeting your family and your wonderful Luna. What day do you plan on coming?" I don't even know Carlos, yet im letting him visit my pack.. Ill ask Luke if he's dangerous.

"We would like to come tomorrow if that is do-able?" Do-able? Jeez, how old IS this guy?

"That is perfect Alpha Carlos, tomorrow it is. Have a good day and be safe on your way here. Bye"

I didn't give him a chance to reply, I sigh as I sit on my desk. I have Jace's old office accept I restyled it, it has blue walls and blue floors, but with green rugs. My desk was a very beautiful purple. I was happy with the styling... but I still felt bad for Jace, He was disgraced, no one and I mean NO ONE has ever been voted out of being Alpha, they are either killed or they pass the title to their son. I am the reason Jace left. I still dream about the day he left...


I was sitting in the back yard with Luke, a lot of pack members were out here, it was a nice cool night so we decided to have a bon-fire. Jace joined us because anyone could. Everyone teased him about losing his title to a girl. I ordered everyone to stop but obviously people didn't want to listen to their Alpha, Jasper told me I needed to be more tough on them. I always told him that I knew I had to be hard on my pack to show them their place... but I could never bring myself to do it.

So it was dark out, everyone could see clearly... even me, I turned my eyes their special green color so I could see perfectly. I was sitting on Luke's lap and he was sitting on the ground near the fire but far enough that we wouldn't get burned and ashes wouldn't fly on us. Pack members were everywhere, near the fire, far away, in the house, in the woods. I never made anyone be apart of something they didn't want to be... unless it was a mandatory pack meeting.

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