Chapter 1

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 The first thing I felt was a splitting headache in the back of my head. I shouldn't have partied that hard last night. 

 Wait a second, I've already done this. I snapped my eyes open and I saw jeans. I felt a hand on my upper arm, just relaxed fingertips on my small biceps. I groaned at the pain in the back of my hand and brought my hand up to it, but instead of touching my head, I felt a soft tee-shirt under my fingers.

 "You okay?" I heard someone whisper. I heard worry and pain in his voice, a very worried voice. I turned my head and looked up and I realized my head was in the mysterious man's lap. I jerked it up and immediately regretted it. I moaned and my head felt like it was in the clouds, and full of pain. 

 The man immediately put his hand over my mouth, stifling my release of pain. I wanted to try and bite his hand. I did not like the feeling of his hand ove my mouth. The man gave me a stern look, like he knew what I was going to try to do, and he let go of me and suddenly, my head was back in his lap and the pain eventually decreased. I noticed that my hands had been untied.

I could feel my eyes widen and full of question, wondering what was going on.

 "We're hostages. The guy who is running this thing doesn't want us to be awake yet and if he realizes were both awake, we're dead." he had leaned over and was whispering in the ear that was farther away from his body. Somehow, my eyes got even wider and I almost pinched myself.

 "You're not asleep, Haylee." he murmured. Now I was just confused.

 "How the hell do you know my name and I never said I thought I was dreaming."  I hissed, suddenly on full danger alert. 

He looked lost for words for a moment, then regained composure. "I had the same idea, that we were asleep, when I first figured out what was happening." he mumbled, looking down into my eyes.

 "Answer the other damn question." I hissed and he suddenly stiffened and looked to the right, I saw his ears move a little as he listened intensely. He didn't answer, but suddenly he picked me up with no effort at all, swung his legs out from under me and laid down, laying me next to him. It all happened in less than a second and it seemed as though he had no problem picking up my hundred pound body.

 "He's coming, act unconscious." I closed my eyes quickly and let my arms go slack by my sides. How the hell do I act unconscious?! I felt something slide over my waist and I realized it was the man's hand in a protective move around my waist, his finger wrapped around my belt loop. I was about to move his hand away when he hissed, "Don't. Move." I almost thought it was said in my head.

 I could hear someone's steps coming over to us, his shoes moving the gravel under them. The steps were getting louder and I could feel the vibrations in the floor, shaking my eardrums. 

 "Wake up!!" I heard a sing songy voice say. A hard boot kicked my side and I groaned, my eyes snapping open. I heard the man beside me growl protectively. Yeah. He growled.

 "You know that you wont be able to help her Donovan." he said, turning to the man who had his arm around my waist. The man beside me growled again, unhooked his finger from my belt and sat up, jumping up to face the other one. 

 "Do you know each other?" I whispered quietly, now especially freaked out and not expecting either one of them to answer. I scooted back as I said it, trying to put more space between the  man who put us under hostage and the man who knew my name. 

 "We haven't formally met," Donovan spat out, as if trying to hold something back. The other man made a mocking face and Donovan grabbed his throat with one hand and brought him up a few inches above the floor. The man smirked, but didn't seem to be worried. His face wasn't getting red, even though he wasn't able to breathe and he wasn't struggling. 

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