Chapter 3

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AN: Not edited-Sorry if any mistakes! Please let me know. 

After I got out, I noticed a note on the clothing that wasn't there before, Donovan had added it as I was shower. I turned around quickly and checked to see how see-through the shower door was and I was relieved to see, it hardly was at all. Thank god.

I sighed and turned to the note, wrapping the blue towel tighter around my body. As I picked it up, my wet fingers made the paper transparent and I read the scribbled writing.

Time to play a little game. You up for a scavenger hunt? Follow the directions and make sure you keep your eyes wide open.

Clue #1 isn't freezing, but can be very cold. Don't stand with the door open, everyone is told. 

My eyebrows drew together, "What the fuck?" I murmured to myself. This guy is unbelievable and seemingly bipolar. I quickly dressed, finding the tee-shirt and sweatpants surprisingly comfortable. After rewrapping my swollen ankle, my feet slipped into the slippers that fit perfectly and I dumped my dirty clothing into the trash can. I quickly brushed out my hair and let it lay straight down my back, depending on it to dry quickly. 

I took a deep breath as I opened the door and a huge wisp of condensation flowed out of the bathroom. The cool air rushed to my face and I felt my cheeks flush as I stepped out of the bathroom. 

The first hint was way too easy, the fridge. I stalked to the fridge, Donovan was no where in sight.

I opened the door of the large silver fridge and the first thing I saw were grapes. I grabbed the bag and started munching on them and then spotted a small white piece of paper. 

Good job, but that wasn't hard. Remember to be aware as you go ahead.

Clue #2 you can lift the corner and  hide the dust, I'll trip you, dear, if I must. 

I sighed and popped another grape into my mouth. What was this stupid scavenger hunt going to get me? I didn’t see a very good end coming at the end of the stupid game. The only problem with this clue was that I had no idea where a floor mat would be. I tried to find the front door again and eventually I got to it, and luckily, when I lifted it up, I found another piece of paper.

Learning your way around the house, isn't the only thing this will get you in the end, but it sure does help.

Clue #3 is upstairs, but you can find some spare change while you're there.

Sofa cushion. I looked at the never ending stairs and limped up it, grapes still in my hand. my new slippers were slapping against the tile. I walked down the hall upstairs and eventually found a blue fabric couch. I was about to collapse in it, when something caught me out of the corner of my eye. 

There was a lime green notebook with the word "Frenzie" on the cover in all caps with a fat sharpie marker. I looked over my shoulder to see if Donovan had suddenly appeared. 

I didn't see anyone and slyly grabbed the book and fell into the cushioned couch, the grapes landing beside me.

I glanced around me once more and dove into the book. It looked like a journal entry from like a teenage kid. The date I saw read March 19, 2006. My eyebrow raised and I read on.

I turned 17 today and like dad said, everything changed. Now that I've turned into a Frenzie, I can read minds, my eyes change to golden and my senses are totally out of whack. I can smell things from miles away, like an apple pie and I can see tiny dust particles flying around in a completely dark room. I can hear a dog barking from hundreds of miles away. I have no idea how everyone has stayed sane living with all these noises and senses , so overwhelming. Dad says it will dull and at some point I can just think about something else and I can forget about it. I hope that happens soon. 

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