Chapter 2

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AN: So this is just me trying. I'll probably still change it a lot, but I just awnted to see if people would be interested....Especially since it's so hard to get noticed now-a-days.... Oh shit. and i forgot to edit. LET ME KNOW OF ANY TYPOS OR ANYTHING because they annoy the shit out of me, so probably you too. I'll fix them if you tell me.

My head was lolling to the pace of someone running. I realized my body was wrapped around someone else's upper body. The white full moon brightened the sky as it shone through the trees. I moaned at the feeling of being moved and the pain in my head. I couldn't remember anything of what happened. 

"Haylee?" The sound of Donovan's voice made everything come back. My head popped up and I tried to look around as Donovan sprinted through the trees. I couldn't focus on anything and I suddenly became dizzy, groaning and closing my eyes again as Donovan dodged trees while I was on his back. 

"Put me down." I demanded, unsure of whatever was happening. "I still don’t trust you, put me down."

I felt Donovan slow down as I really started to demand it, and he put me down quickly, turning to take hold of my shoulders to hold me steady. I sucked in my bottom lip, trying to address the problem around me. I could hardly put weight on my foot, my ankle felt broken. I felt bruised everywhere. And my head hurt like a motherfucker.

I tried to recognize where we were, but everything was still spinning and I felt like I was swimming in a fairytale. Something straight out of a book. There were trees everywhere. Tall trees. And I couldn’t see a way out or a way in. All trees.

I took a deep breath and held my hand to my heart, feeling it beating out of my chest. I still felt Donovan's hands on my shoulders, but if he let go of me now, I would fall over. I groaned quietly as I looked around again.

"Just relax. Close your eyes and take a deep breath. You should feel better in a few minutes. You were out for a while," Donovan coached and I did as he said.

"It seems as though I am blacking out a whole lot more now that you try to save me," I mentioned. Donovan opened  his mouth like he was going to say something, but he quickly closed it again, "Who are you saving me from, anyway?"

"I'm pretty sure you had a pretty good view of who it was, Zachary," Donovan growled the name. I tried not to shiver at the name. I failed.

"But why?" I asked. He didn’t respond. "Why are you the good side?" A bounty of dizziness passed through myself again and I moaned, holding my head.

"Are you okay, Haylee?" He asked, worriedly. "I don't know why the fuck you would try to get into a Frenzie fight. Especially as a human." 

"Frenzie?" I asked, "What the hell are Frenzie?" and Donovan swore under his breath.

He looked me straight in the eye. He gave me a worried look, glancing over to make sure I was okay.

"If you really want me to answer this question, you could get both me and you in some deep shit. Answering your question means I'm breaking some pretty serious laws and it could get me killed. So, do you really want me to tell you what I meant by saying... Frenzie?" My eyes widened and I almost burst into tears.

"No! Of course I wouldn't want you to do something that could get you in trouble! Don't tell me." I blubbered out and he seemed relieved. His hands came off of my shoulders and he suddenly looked over to where we came from. 

"Why the hell would he want to hurt me though? Can you answer that?" 

He looked at me with such pain that I did burst out crying. I hobbled forward and fell into his body. His arms wrapped around me, trying to calm my shaking body. The only reason I felt safe doing it, was because he hadn't killed me yet. If Donovan wanted to kill me, he would have done it already, and even if he still plans to do it, right now, I need to trust that there is some good in the world.

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