There's No Fear

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She stood there. With her palm nearly pressing against the cold window, but she was too afraid to touch it.

There was something building inside her, almost like a balloon.

The excitement was suffocating her, but she can't tell her eyes to open.

Everyone has always told her to face her fears, and to conquer your fears by facing them.

She never listens to any of them, because she knew they were wrong.

Facing your fears could only lead to disappointment. When you realized that after, things are still the same.

You are still the same helpless child.

She has given up on those people a long time ago, when they kept repeating the same thing over, and over again.

They thought everything she was going through was normal, fine, all good.

She inhale, exhale, and squeezed her eyelids.

They didn't understand, and probably never will. It wasn't just a fear of heights, it was something not even the girl herself could explain.

Even if she were to know what she's feeling, they wouldn't care.

Something sparked inside the girl.

Very, very slowly, she began to open her eyes. At first, the light she saw was blinding.

Pure white.

Then she saw what seemed like heaven. Joy filled her completely, inside and out. Maybe she wasn't afraid in the first place.

Maybe she can look into the sky and feel the freedom for once.

Her body was controlling her, and before she knew it, her arms reached forward.

The thrill was overwhelming, but confusion hits her like a bullet. She couldn't touch the cold window to the palm of her hands.

There was no glass.

What she thought was there was invisible. She had imaged it, and you can never touch anything that's not real.

With panic, she stepped ahead, searching for that calming touch. But it wasn't there.

Instead, she steps into the air, stepping off the tower. She was one with the sky. Wind blew harshly at her body as she fell.

This was the end.

The girl was glad, because she can finally prove that when you cross the border of fear, there's nothing better than death.

She can tell them that she was right. Her salty tears flew up into the clouds and gravity pulls her down.

Once again, she closed her eyes shut, and this time... forever.

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Hey, it's short. But it's something. It might not be good, but when I have the inspiration, I write. Anyways, thanks for reading. :)
This is my first time publishing, so please bare with me.

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