Chapter Nineteen: And We Thought It Was Safe

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She closes the door and sees Michael still messing around with his hand

Jess: Michael you can stop waving your hand around now

He stops and undoes his fingers

Michael: They didn't seem to like what I did

Jess: Well to make it simple it's an insult to humans so don't wave it around anyone because they won't take it too kindly. Only throw it to those who are being mean or saying mean things to you

Michael: And hoes?

She holds in a laugh

Jess: It's an insult as well

Michael: Ah I see

He makes the middle finger again and waves it around

Michael: Hoes... Fucking hoes

She grabs his hand while laughing

Jess: Michael, you're making me nervous

Michael: You seem to like it

Jess: Because it's cute how excited you get when you learn something new

He smirks

Jess: Anyways... lets grab some movies

He gets excited. She takes him to a closet full of them. He's shocked

Michael: Holy shit

Jess: Pick out the ones you that interest you and I'll grab my artistic stuff and camera

Michael: Alright

He grabs one and looks at it

Michael: Fifty shades of...

Jess quickly smacks it out of his hand. Michael stares at it then looks at her

Michael: Why did you do that for?

Jess: We're not taking that one

Michael: Why?

Jess: Because...

Michael: Because?

Jess: It's not coming with us

Michael: Then why do you have it?

Jess: It was a gift

Michael: From who?

Jess: Someone from work

He raises an eyebrow

Jess: Hey, you didn't even know about work plus you were gone half the time so there

He stares at her

Michael: Alright then

He continues looking through the movies while Jess goes into a room and starts grabbing her drawing and painting stuff, putting them in a bag

Michael Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon