Chapter Thirty-One: This Ends Now

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Michael: No... Jess...

Lucifer walks in front of him

Lucifer: I hope you said goodbye

Michael glares at him

Michael: Fuck you

Lucifer smirks then puts his hand on Michael's forehead. It starts to burn him as he pulls him up onto his knees

Jess: No!

She tries to run over but God grabs her

God: Now you're going to witness a death of a traitor

Jess: Don't let him please! Michael!

He looks at her

Michael: Jess...Promise me you'll protect our child no matter what!

She tears up

Jess: I promise!

He smiles at her then starts turning. Everyone watches in shock except God

Gabriel: You're going to let him turn?!

God stays quiet

Michael fully turns then bows to Lucifer

Michael: My lord

Lucifer: Eh don't bother with that shit, stand

He does what he says then turns around. Everyone is looking at him

Lucifer: How does it feel to lose another angel brother?

God: He turned against me so why do I care? Plus, you get to witness the death of what could have been a weapon

He turns Jess around

Jess: Please, don't. I beg you

He glares at her then lifts his hand

Lucifer: NO!!

He stabs his hand in her stomach but is suddenly thrown back along with Gabriel and the youths. Lucifer and Michael are thrown in the house, destroying it. God stops himself from going further

God: What the...

He sees someone by Jess. She looks

Don't worry mom, I'll protect you

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Don't worry mom, I'll protect you

Everyone is in shock as they get up. Wings come out of the boys back as he glares at them

Lucifer: Holy shit, he's a hybrid

Gabriel: Impossible

God: This is what I feared

Michael looks at the boy then shrugs

Lucifer: Michael

He looks at him

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