Chapter 9

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After being sweet to each other, I saw Jungshi and Yseul giggling at the corner. My mom spotted them and told them to sit down.

We all sat down and chowed on the food in the table. It was so delicious, it's my first time eating a korean food.

A dream come true.

I thought as I ate. Being in korea made me happy that I forgot that BTS just had their concert in our own country.

I opened my social media, and saw an update

"BTS member's just got back to korea along with the announcement of BigHit Entertainment letting the boys rest for 5 months"


I sighed and then put my phone back to where it was. Even though bts is not going to be active for 5 months atleast I can use that time to explore korea, right? Once a door closes another opens. I think that's right.

I looked at my phone again then decided to watch some videos of BTS.

Dad: Jae.....

Jaehee: mmh?

I looked up from my phone to Dad. I noticed how he looked at me, I didn't know what I was doing wrong and then I took a glance at my friends.

Yseul pointed at my hand and I realized that I was holding my phone, I slowly put it down and gulped the food I was eating..

Jaehee: Welp! I'm done! Thank you for the food!

I ran upstairs to the bathroom in a speed of light to not get nagged at.

Dad: Ya! Aigo. This kid.

I took a bath and get dressed. I wanted to take a look around seoul for a while. I'm going to buy some things that may caught my eye.

I asked permissiom from my parents and told them I will get back early. I left my friends since they said that they're still tired and that wanted to take a nap.

I was fine with it since I really wanted to take a look around, alone. So that I won't get bashful and stuff when something happens. They just love teasing me, ya'know.

Yseul's POV

After Jae got out. I decided to go out as well, I planned on taking a nap but the thought of being in korea couldn't get off my mind.

I have to see the outside of Seoul with my own two eyes. Not through picture or videos but in person.

I said goodbye to my aunt and uncle, I was about to say goodbye to Jungshi but she was past asleep and I didn't want to disturb her so I decided to  just go out.

I was walking alone in the streets when suddenly someone bumped into me and dropped his wallet.

Yseul: Sir.

He looked at me and I thought that he is familiar but I set it aside and just gave him his wallet.

???: omo, thank you. I should treat you.

I was surprised by what he just said, are korean people really this generous? Moreover, he's really good in english

Yseul: What? No no. It's okay.

???: No I insist.

I couldn't resist anymore so I just decided to accept it. It's just a simple meal and then I could go home or whatsoever.

Wait. I didn't really think it through, but what was I going to do after going out? Did I really just think that I'm going to just stroll around the neighborhood then go back home? That's corny.

We went to eat Street Foods. I didn't actually think he'd brought me here. I though he will bring me to a fancy meal or something but whatever. I like anything as long as their edible.

Yseul: You didn't have to treat me you know.
???: I want to, please.

I closed my mouth as he plead. Then I realized something. I haven't asked him about his name.

Yseul: What's your name?

I casually asked as I ate some fishcakes. He looked at me then I saw him smile a little.

???: You don't want to know.

I was confused by his question but I ignored it and ate my fishcakes instead. It's more tasty when it's hot.

It was silent for a while but he broke it with a question.

???: You like BTS huh?

I looked at him surprised. How did he know. It seemed like he read my expression he pointed at my bag and I saw that I have a pin of BTS members.

Yseul: Oh yeah. I love them.

???: Who's your.... as they call, bias?

Yseul: Why are you curious?

???: I'm a fan of BTS themselves, I like Suga though.

Yseul: You gay?

He looked at me and I realized that I was once again too straightforward. I awkwardly looked away and answered his question.

Yseul: Same. I like Min Yoongi.

He smiled and then paid the lady.

???: Well,  I have to go. I'm a pretty busy guy, you know.

Yseul: Yeah right.

Then again I realized that I was being rude and he treated me! I closed my eyes and cursed at myself.

I saw him giggle then walk away.

???: Annyeong.

I said goodbye then decided to go home and forget about everything even happened.

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