Chapter 27

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Mina kept on looking over to Taehyung's seat. Unfortunately, Taehyung didn't go to school today and so did Jungkook. It's Jungkook's and Jungshi's second day as a couple where the heck are they?

Is vkook happening right now? Well, Mina suddenly looked at me and smirked. Does she hate me or what?

Jimin: Ya. Look infront.

Jimin suddenly talked to me. Ohmy, I think this is one of the best day in my life. Jungshi, Yseul, and I consider Jimin as our bias wreckers.

Jaehee: Y-yeah.

Suddenly, I realized why shouldn't I ask Jimin about why the two are absent.

Jaehee: Jimin, why is Taehyung and Jungkook absent?

Jimin: They were called by Bang PDnim. I think to tell them some news. Why?

Jaehee: I'm just curious.

Jimin: Ahh

I looked infront but Jimin suddenly tapped my shoulder. I looked back at him.

Jimin: Is Jungkook and Jungshi a couple?

I looked at him in confusion, How can he not know yet?

Jaehee: Yeah. But... Why didn't you know?

Jimin: All of us never knew.

Jaehee: Well, they only became official yesterday.

Jimin: What!?

Jimin literally shouted making all our classmates look at the both of us. Great.

Mr. Kim: What are you two talking about?

We kept silent and looked down. Damn it, Park Jimin.

Mr. Kim: If I hear you one more time. I'll make you two stand outside.

Jaehee: We're so sorry sir.

Mr. Kim went back to what he was doing before. I sighed out of relief. Fortunately, Jimin became silent. Good, since I really want to increase my grades this semester.


*Bell Rings*

The loud ass bell rang again, meaning it's time for lunch. I went to the canteen and spotted my friends.

Jaehee: Jungshi! Yseul!

They smiled at me and made a gesture to come over. I excitedly went to them, I suddenly remembered what Yseul texted us last night.

Jaehee: Ya. Yseul, you said Yoongi went and had dinner at your place?

Yseul: Well, yeah. It was awkward. I shouted at him and-

Suddenly, we saw Yoongi, already sitting beside Yseul. We stared at him blankly and he stared back.

Yoongi: Did I...... Did I do something wrong?

Jungshi: No, nothing really.

Yoongi: Ahh.

His phone suddenly rang. He got up and answered it, he looked saddened as he spoke on the phone.

Yseul: I wonder what's wrong.

He suddenly went back to his seat and sighed.

Yoongi: We'll start working tomorrow. It was a sudden news, Jungkook called me and-

Jungshi: Jungkook called you? Where is he?

Yoongi: I guess he's in the building of Bighit Entertainment. We have full schedules so both he and Taehyung started to practice earlier than us. They have a duo, I think.

Jungshi became sad by what Yoongi said I feel bad for her. She didn't receive any text or call from Jungkook.

Out of the blue, Jungshi received a text. Finally Jungkook remembered her.

Jungshi smiled at the sight of the text she has been waiting for so long.

Jaehee: Did you receive a text from Jungkook?

Yseul: Omoo! Let me see~

I saw Yoongi looked at Yseul when she became all cutesy with Jungshi. She hasn't shown this personality with anyone other than me and Jungshi. I guess she forgot Yoongi's with us.

Jungshi: "hey~ I'm sorry for not contacting you babe, I got very busy. Let's meet at the park after school, where we first met. I don't want you to skip class anyway. See you! And.... I love you" he said.

Me and Yseul squealed so loud that the other people looked at us weirdly. You shouldn't care about what we do people!

Jaehee: Well. Good Luck on that!

Yseul: We'll support you!

Yoongi: Am I missing on something?

We three looked at Yoongi and giggled.

Yseul: Jungkook and Jungshi are together!

Yoongi: What!? Since when!?

Yseul: Since yesterday. I only found out today too.

Yoongi: Uwa. Jungkook has really grown up.  He even got a girlfriend earlier than me.

We all laughed at what Yoongi said. It is actually really surprising knowing that Jungkook and Jungshi are together now.

Jungshi is like the luckiest Army out there, being together with your bias is like a gift from heaven's above.

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