Chapter 28

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Yseul's POV

We kept on talking about Jungkook and Jungshi's relationship. I wasn't able to tell them about the dinner with Yoongi since that man is with us.

We all said our goodbyes and went back o our own classrooms. I went with Yoongi alone, it was very awkward.

Yoongi: Why do you act so awkward with me but you go all cute with your friends.

Yseul: Huh?

I gave it a thought and realized that Yoongi saw me being cute. Ugh, that's embarrassing. Jungshi and Jaehee are both very used to me being like that so I couldn't help it. I must've looked so cringey for him.

I looked away from him and blushed. I think I look redder than a tomato right now.

Yoongi: Ya. Why are you so embarrassed?

Yseul: No I'm not.

Again with this, he's going to tease me non-stop.

Yoongi: hm.

What? He didn't tease me? That's new. Did something happen? Why am I being like this though? I hated it when he keeps on teasing me but right now, I think I'm going crazy. I want him to tease me. I've gone mad.

We went to our classroom without speaking a word. What's gotten into him though?

We went out separate ways since our seat are both away from each other. I sat down and sighed.

Jin: Why'd you came in with Yoongi?

I looked at him with a blank expression.

Yseul: Can't I?

Jin: Well, you can.... but..... are you two in a relationship?

Yseul: That's like.... not going to happen.

Jin: Geez. You're in a bad mood.

Yseul: I'm actually not. Look infront of you,

He looked infront and was surprised to see our homeroom teacher already there. We greeted him and sat back down.

I kept on looking over to Yoongi for some fcking reasons. Then suddenly he looked at me and smirked. I looked back infront and took notes of what Mr. Lee is teaching.

I couldn't focus much on the topic because Min Yoongi. I don't know why I'm being like this.

Finally, it's time to go home. I grabbed my backpack and got out before my classmates. I went to look for my friends and saw them at the front gate.

Yseul: Hey!

I shouted making them bring their attention over to me. I ran to them with a big smile on my face.

Jungshi: You should've hurried. Jungkook must've been waiting for me.

Jaehee: We'll take you there.

Yseul: That's right!

She nodded and I could see how excited she is. Jungkook better not break her heart or I'll break his bones.

We went to the park Jungkook was talking about. We saw Jungkook seating at a bench with flowers in his hand. We pushed Jungshi lightly and left them alone.

We saw that she went to him and Jungkook stood up, smiling. Me and Jaehee decided to go home.

Jaehee: I didn't think Jungshi would get a boyfriend before us. I mean, she's younger than us.

Yseul: I know. I wonder when I'll get one.

Jaehee suddenly laughed at my statement.

Yseul: What's so funny?

Jaehee: I'm just kidding.

I glared at her but decided to ignore it anyway. Eventually, me and Jaehee had to go on our separate ways. We said our goodbyes.

On my home, I saw Yoongi standing infront of m house..... talking with my parents? What does he need?

Yseul: Ya

He got startled and looked at me. I was already behind him.

Yoongi: Oh you're here?

Yseul: No. No I'm not. Can't you see?

I sarcastically said, making him giggle. Damn it, that smile again.

Yseul: Why are you here anyway?

Mom: He just asked for our permission.

Yseul: About what?

Dad: Oh nothing. We'll leave you two now.

I saw dad mouthed 'Hwaiting' to Yoongi, yoongi nodded and looked at me.

Yoongi: Let's go? 

Yseul: I'll get dressed first.

Yoongi: No need.

He grabbed my wrist and suddenly brought me to, it seemed to be his car. I got confused, can't he wait for at least 5 minutes or so? It's not like I take forever to dress up.

Yseul: Where are you bringing me anyway?

Yoongi: Somewhere fun.

He smiled and put a seatbelt on me, I blushed since he had to get the seatbelt and he was right infront of me. He smells really nice.

Yseul what the hell are thinking right now? Well it's not like a sin right?

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